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New Research Reveals That Mum's Diet May Influence Baby's Allergies

New research in The Journal of Physiology, in September 2011, revealed a possible link between what a Mum-To-Be eats during pregnancy and a reduced risk of allergies for baby.

A variety of clinical trials have all come to the same conclusion, which is that when pregnant women supplement their diet during pregnancy with fish oils, walnut oil or flaxseed, there is a reduced risk of allergy in their babies.

The research showed that a certain group of PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) which are those which are found in walnut oil, flaxseed and fish, aid a baby's gut to develop differently.

This specific group of PUFAs (polyunsaturated fatty acids) are known as n-3PUFAs. The research reveals that cause a change in the way that the baby's gut develops which then in turn may change how the gut immune system develops.
New Research Reveals That Mum's Diet May Influence Baby's Allergies

The research team found that when Mums'-To-Be diets were supplemented with n-3PUFAs this caused the gut of the newborn babies to be more permeable. When the baby's gut is more permeable then bacteria and new substances will pass into the bloodstream more fluidly and this then results in the immune response being triggered and antibodies being produced.

It means that a baby's immune system should mature faster and have an increased immune function, therefore making the likelihood of allergies less.

In addition to these potential health benefits of n-3PUFAs other earlier studies have shown that n-3PUFAs increases the length of gestation and the maturation of the central nervous system, leading to a heightened performance on mental tasks.

Dr Galle Boudry, of the INRA research institute in Rennes, France said that there is a great interest in research in women's diet during pregnancy and that these fish oils and nut oils are disappearing from the Western diet.

It is not only in pregnancy that n-3PUFAs can be important but there is plenty of research about their benefits especially in areas such as cardiology and diabetes. There is also convincing evidence from a variety of clinical trials that n-3PUFAs consumption reduces overall mortality.

There is an older report in the American Physiological Society which says that research had started due to the fact that despite a diet rich in fats, Eskimos don't die of heart disease.

So whether it is to benefit you and your unborn baby, or for general health reasons there is no time like the present to introduce some n-3PUFAs into your system. It is easy to do with simple and delicious recipes such as baked salmon with almonds, served with a walnut and leaf salad!

Almonds are good to eat during pregnancy as they contain folic acid, as well as multiple other benefits for health benefits for those who are not pregnant! Studies have shown that consumption of omega-3 fatty acids by eating fish such as salmon can help brain development, contribute to baby's healthy vision and maybe help prevent premature delivery.

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