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subject: Prepare Your Family For Cold And Flu Season [print this page]

Prepare Your Family For Cold And Flu Season

It's coming! Not the holidays, but something less pleasant: cold and flu season. Seasonal illnesses can really wreak havoc on your family life and your wallet. Doctor's visits and the purchase of cough medicines are at an all time high during this time of year. But what if you didn't have to deal with it this year? What if you could decrease the length of your family's colds or skip them altogether? We've compiled some helpful tips to get your family through. We can beat this thing together!

Be Sanitary

Sanitizing products shouldn't have to be used excessively--our bodies need to build immunity. But during this time when so many cold and flu sufferers are out and about, you may want to consider bringing sanitizing wipes or anti-bacterial hand soaps to places like the grocery store or doctor's offices; these locations present a high exposure to germs. Items such as shopping carts and door knobs are almost impossible to avoid, and wipes can come in handy.

Don't Skip Handwashing

Encourage the whole family to wash their hands. This one is easy, but it is also easily overlooked. During cold and flu season it's especially important to remember this step after using the restroom, after exposure to food, and after being in a public place where you've touched a lot of 'high traffic' items, such as stair rails or door knobs.

Sick Children are Off-Limits

Try to limit family exposure to a sick child. This one may be hard for both you and your children, but it's still best to play it safe so you aren't exposing everyone. This step could save the whole family from having to suffer through a cold or flu. As a parent, you'll have to tend to the child and give them the care they need, but make sure you're also taking all of the other measures we've mentioned to keep yourself healthy.

Take Your Vitamins

Never underestimate the importance of Vitamin C and other natural remedies. Vitamins can help boost everyone's immune system so they can ward off sickness, or shorten the length of a cold or flu if it comes to that. Building a healthy immune system could prevent the whole family from having to suffer through a cold.

If All Else Fails . . .

If the family does get sick, you should consider a little tender loving care and some natural remedies before turning to prescription drugs or potentially harmful over-the-counter medicines. There are natural alternatives, such as natural cough medicines, that are safe and approved by the FDA. These offer you comfort, immune system support, and save you money on unnecessary doctor's office visits and prescription drugs.

Hopefully these tips help and you can enjoy this colder season without the colds.

by: Emily Miller

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