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subject: Dog Grooming 101: How To Care For Your Dogs Eyes, Ears & Coat [print this page]

Dog Grooming 101: How To Care For Your Dogs Eyes, Ears & Coat

Whether youre a first time pet owner or if you have had of one your whole life, there are certain parts of its anatomy that you need to take extra care of. Theres no question that grooming and regular bathing equates to a healthier dog. Making sure that it has proper diet and exercise is another thing that you need to observe as a pet owner. However, there are a few sensitive parts of your dog which you may not necessarily know how to clean or groom. That is exactly what we will learn more about here.

Caring for Your Dogs Eyes

Your dogs eyes should be bright, clear and without any traces of cloudiness. If you see any signs of abnormalities on the eyes of your dog, take it to the vet immediately. Some of the problems that you should watch out for include:

-Abnormal coloring or spots in the cornea
Dog Grooming 101: How To Care For Your Dogs Eyes, Ears & Coat

-Cloudiness or protrusion in the eyelids

-Crustiness around or in the eyelids

-Eye irritation

-Inflammation of the eyelids

-Pus in or around the eyes

-Runny eyes

-Thickening or swelling of the eyelids

Cleaning Your Dogs Ears

How about your dogs ears? Regularly check on them while grooming your pets ears should be clean, pink and not emit an unpleasant odor. If you have a breed of dog which has floppy ears, they are more prone to having infections. You can clean off any dirt, debris or wax on the ears of your dog using a damp, clean cotton ball just make sure not to push it too far into the ear canal! If you see your dog scratching its ears frequently, if there are sores, redness, parasites growth or irritation, make sure to bring it to the vet immediately.

Caring for Your Pets Coats & Preventing Dog Fleas

Finally, theres dog fleas infestation. Sometimes, no matter how well-groomed your dog is, it may acquire fleas when going out or interacting with other dogs. Unless your dog is always cooped up at home, this is something that is bound to happen so you would have to deal with dog fleas problems at one point or another.

To detect dog fleas, use the traditional fleas comb and run it gently through the coat of your pet. Once you see that there are fleas falling off the comb, use a shampoo or other products which eliminate fleas. Clean the interior and exterior areas where your dog frequently visits, because fleas easily reproduce. Vacuuming the interiors and using insecticide outdoors will remove any larvae, pupae or eggs from forming into adult fleas. Do this until youre sure that every trace of flea infestation has been removed from your home. You may even use products which prevent fleas from growing into adults by eliminating its early life forms.

As you can see, there are plenty of tasks associated with being a responsible pet owner. Performing them is the best way to ensure that your dog is always at its optimal health.

by: Kolio Ivanov

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