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Water Boats Have Come A Long Way

Types of watercraft that are designed to float and supply transportation across water are known as boats. These water boats are typically kept on inland (lakes or rivers) or protected coastal areas. They are stored in shelter in bad weather to protect them. The vessels that operate in an offshore situation include whaleboats, ships, freighters, submarines, battleships, aircraft carriers and many more.

Logboats or dugouts are considered to become the first kind of boat. Archaeological excavations have found logboats from about 7,000 to 10,000 years ago. The oldest boat ever recovered may be the canoe of Pesse. It was made between 8,200 and 7,600 BC. It's a dugout or useless tree truck from the Pinus sylvestris, better known because the Scots Pine which is a popular Christmas tree in the us.

In the past, boats were important in commerce of early cultures like the cradle of civilization Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley Civilization. Greeks and Arabs have been using the Uru since ancient times for trading vessels. The Uru is a massive wooden ship made primarily from bamboo. This type of vessel continues to be produced in the village of Beypore in southwestern India.

The Phoenicians are classified as the best seafarers in the ancient world. They used the galley kind of ship that is propelled by rowing. There were often well over 100 men rowing with one oar per man. These ships were fast and agile, plus they were utilized for hundreds of years until broadside sailing ships were introduced within the 1600s.
Water Boats Have Come A Long Way

Norsemen referred to as Viking were another great seafaring civilization. They were well-known for their longships which were utilized in travel, commerce, exploration, trade and war. These boats possess a long graceful shallow-draft hull that is designed for speed. Longship origins have been traced to the Stone Age plus they reached their heyday between the 9th and 13th centuries.

The 15th century saw the introduction of the caravel which is a sailing ship that's highly maneuverable. The Portuguese developed these ships to explore the African coast and also to go out to research the Atlantic for the west. The caravel may be the type of vessel used by Columbus and Magellan on their historic expeditions.

Before the mid 1800s most boats were made from natural materials such as wood, bark and even animal skins. Many vessels were created using steel or iron frames that were planked in wood. Steel ships became common, by the 1930s wooden vessels were replaced by steel ones in industrial uses as well as fishing fleets. Aluminum watercraft became popular because it would not corrode in salt water.

By the mid 1960s glass-reinforced plastic or fiberglass shot to popularity with recreational boaters. Fiberglass is extremely strong and it does not rust, rot or corrode. The United States Coast Guard calls such vessels 'FRP' which stands for Fiber Reinforced Plastic craft. Some people have even made their very own homemade watercraft from foam or plastic! However, most homebuilts are made of plywood and then painted or covered in fiberglass and resin.

by: Jordan McPelt
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