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subject: 3 Simple Steps To Weight Loss [print this page]

Many people suffer from being overweight and with today's society, it's easy to understand why. Most of us have a job working 8-10 hour days, right? During those hours most get a 30 minute lunch, so that usually means we drop through a drive-thru to grab something on the go. We all know there isn't much healthy about the food at fast food restaurants (or should be better known as fat food), which leads me to step number 1.

Get a Colon Cleanse

Over time the colon gets backed up with food stuck to intestinal wall which leads to impurities and toxins in the body. This will lead to increased weight, fatigue, and even illnesses. The one we are looking at today is the unwanted weight. Now, how do we do a colon cleanse that works? First, you need to buy a two quart enema bag. An enema bag can be purchased for approximately five dollars at a local Wal-Mart. Next, pour two quarts of distilled water in a cooking pot and add 2 tablespoons of sea salt (make sure to use sea salt not regular salt which contains preservatives). The next step is optional but can be of added benefit. Crush 2 cloves garlic and add to water. Let the mixture of water sit for 1-2 hours then bring the water to 100-105 degrees Fahrenheit (make sure not to go higher than 105 degrees).

When temperature is reached, dip out the garlic. Now you want to fill the enema bag with the water. The cleanse can be done in the bathtub for easiest convenience. Hang the enema bag and release a small amount of water in order to extract the air bubbles from the line. Next, lie on back and insert the tip of tube into the rectum. Very slowly release the water until the bag is empty. This should be done slow enough to where it should take approximately 4-5 minutes to empty (this is done so that it will be easier for you to hold all the water without expelling it too quickly). Lay on back for five minutes, then on right side for five, then rotate to left side for five minutes, then finally back on your back for five more minutes. This should leave you holding the mixture for 20 minutes. Now, you may not be able to hold for 20 minutes the first time you try, but try to hold as long as you can in order to get a full cleanse. There will be some uncomfortable cramping involved, but do the best you can. After the 20 minutes is up, go to the toilet and expel the fluid until finished. This process can be a little unpleasant and may feel a little degrading your first time, but trust me it will be worth it. Repeat this procedure 2-3 times in the next 24-36 hours. You can do this cleanse once every month. Not only will this help with weight loss but will also help the body get the proper nutrients from food that it needs.

Step 2 is Diet

I know you all have heard this, so what's new huh? Remember proper weight loss can't be obtained without a proper diet. Stay away from foods which have no nourishment which include foods high in trans fats, refined sugars, and starches. Beware of foods that say fat free. Make sure to read the ingredients because these products may be fat free but contain sugar. If I could make a suggestion to those that are not sure which foods are good and which are bad (because I know this can be very confusing), go see your local nutritionist, and get them to give you a breakdown of the foods that are nutritious and will help in weight loss. Something simple you can remember is to cut your maintenance calorie intake by 500 per day. For example, if your weight is steady with the amount of calories you consume now, you must cut this calorie intake by 500 calories per day. If you are gaining weight instead of maintaining, you must cut this by more than 500. Also remember the older we get the slower our metabolism gets, so we must reduce our calorie intake. This alone can drastically change the way you look and feel.

Step 3 is Exercise

This is no secret, but yet most people seem to leave it out. Exercise can increase the metabolism which aids in burning calories. Lift weights in order to build muscle. For you women that are saying you don't want to get bulky, trust me your not going to get bulky by lifting light to medium weight. Plus adding muscle will burn fat. Get a body fat test done so you know what your improvements are as your exercising. A normal body fat percentage for women is 20-27%. Lower than that women should start to see abs. With men it is lower, approximately 16-22% is normal. When men get down to 10% or below they will see distinct abs. Just remember not only does exercise help in weight loss but is also good for your health. Also, drink plenty of water, preferably 8-10 glasses a day. Not only does your body need this much water intake per day but it will also carve your appetite.

Use these steps above properly and you will be on your way to becoming a fat burning machine.

To learn the truth behind a lean stomach go to:



by: david hix

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