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The ancient practice of yoga is not just stretching and flexibility. This is a philosophical movement, which seeks to liberate the body of toxins, to create space for God to unite the mind and body, and bring a deep sense of calm and relaxation in your life. Some styles focus on the fitness aspect, while others combine the meditative side, so it is necessary to consider the various styles before beginning.

For beginners, Hatha yoga is slow and gentle. It is believed that a person can not control the mind until the body is properly prepared to receive spiritual guidance. A series of poses, stretches, breathing and relaxation, can be found, concentration and sense of inner harmony. This yoga power is good for increasing flexibility and toning muscles. Iyengar Yoga focuses on bringing the body to ensure maximum results and minimal damage, making it another reasonable choice for beginners, including the sick or elderly participants.

In contrast to the "flow" styles of yoga, Iyengar uses fewer positions and stretches are longer. Props to assist the alignment include mattresses, blankets, straps and blocks. This style can improve coordination, balance and circulation, while building strong legs.

Fitness yoga aims to increase flexibility, muscle strength and improve energy and cardiovascular systems. This is a more modern approach to ancient principles and targets certain areas as the gluteal muscles of the abdomen or in the tone and strengthen.

Similarly, Pilates yoga is one of the most popular species, with more than 11 million regular practice in the U.S. and over 14,000 instructors. Particular attention is paid to basic postural muscles and spinal cord, in addition to the use of flowing movements to strengthen and define.

Ashtanga Vinyasa (also known as "power yoga" or "Raja yoga") is derived from the ancient Indian manuscript called the Yoga Kurunta ". The word "Ashtanga" literally translates to mean "eight limbs", which refers to eight positions: Yama (moral codes), Niyama (self-purification and study), asana (postures), pranayama (breath control), Prathyahara (sense control), Dharana (concentration), dhyana (meditation) and samadhi (contemplation).

Vinyasa means "breath synchronized movement." After warming up with Sun greetings, "the various postures are repeated with smooth flowing movements and specific model of respiration. This innovative style of it attracts people who tend to be heartily types participating in kickboxing or step classes, and is designed to help high voltage extrovert personalities find their inner peace.

A couple of forms are used for medicinal purposes. Bikram yoga (also known as "hot yoga") occurs in a sauna, a room maintained at 95-100 degrees to cause sweating, which leads to body cleansing and additional weight loss. These twenty-six positions, loosen the muscles relaxing way. Meditation Forrest style of yoga santa monica from Santa Monica California is intended to release inner emotional pain, cleanses the body of toxins and strengthen the abdomen through deep breathing and stretches.

Some styles focus on the spiritual side, singing, meditation and contemplation, borrowing inspiration from the eight principles of Ashtanga. Jivamukti and Kundalini use chanting and rapid repetitive motion to release trapped energy. Karma yoga is derived from the Bhagavad-Gita, sandskrit ancient Hindu scriptures and is based on the idea of "union through action."

by: anthonyg gree

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