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Building Bone Density Crucial Among Women

Participation in sports is healthy physically and socially among children and adolescents, medical research says. The website says that getting into athletic chase entails certain requires perils, especially for developing young bodies.

The study was conducted by Aurelia Nattiv, a professor in the University of California Los Angeles Department of Family Medicine, and division of sports medicine in the Department of Orthopedics. Her area of exploration is more on the future health and quality of life of young women athletes.

Nattiv was one of the speechmakers during the October 2008 ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting entitled Treating the Young Athlete.Dr. Nattiv has worked as head of the American College of Sports Medicine and done reviewed locus outlook about Female Athlete Triad.

Dr. Nattiv charted the current science supporting the adjustment position, which also discusses on common musculoskeletal damages seen in female players, the website says. A new report could encourage more hip replacement lawsuits, according to another report from Reuters,

The resource revealed that the female athlete triad is at present distinct as energy availability, menstrual function, and bone strength, These three interconnected matters occur on scales from health to disease.

Dr. Nattiv added that energy availability has replaced the term eating disorder, and is defined as the amount of dietary energy remaining for all other physiological functions after energy has been expended in exercise.

According to Dr. Nattiv that a large group of female athletes do not have eating disorder and hence do not fall within the DSM-IV eating disorder diagnoses. But these sports persons still need education about getting the essential energy needs. Negative energy accessibility is now deliberated as key to prompting pathologic processes. For example, recent research shows that reduced energy availability is a co-risk factor for lowered bone density, along with menstrual dysfunction.

To shape bone density is crucial and important for young boys and girls in-between ages 10 and 14, Nattiv says. Up to 90 percent of highest bone mass is reached that is around age 18. She told her audience during her presentation that it is hard to salvage bone mass and showed slides of severe osteoporosis in women.

She encourage those who joined the seminar to be vigilant in screening all girls and women in sports and to give regular exercise programs for the triad disorders. This selection should include a menstrual history and nutritional habits, among other elements. Dr. Nattiv argued for a nutrition-based approach to boost body weight while ensuring adequate vitamin C and D intake.

If these will be thoroughly monitored, it will lessen the number of women facing health issues concerning cartilages and bones which may tip to hip pains and cause people to undergo hip implant may lessen its number if will be systematically inspected. Undesirable reaction had been unavoidable for which reason those patients who had undergone the procedure filed a DePuy lawsuit.

by: Gregory Fraser

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