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subject: In A Retirement Planning Guide, Know The Right Age To Say Final Bye To A Job! [print this page]

In A Retirement Planning Guide, Know The Right Age To Say Final Bye To A Job!

Truly said by someone that, The best time to start thinking about your retirement is before the boss does.

According to sage and experienced souls, life beings after retirement, when one wants to do something but that something wants no alterations. The researches confirm that the habit of Americans to live in present is forcing them towards a tragic and isolated retirement age. One day these money-spinning machines will be chunked in a junk yard on the mercy of this sardonic world. However, by making a right move, considering a retirement planning guide, one can be on the brighter side of life.

The million-dollar question that arises here is, what is the right age for considering about a retirement plan? This is the biggest challenge for all of us, but the later you retire, the more you save. There are three different periods, from which one can choose, those are:

Early retirement: 55 - 62

Retiring on time: 62 - 67

Late Retirement : past 67

These all timeframes have their own pros and cons, that one need to consider before opting for any of them.

Early Age - If you are retiring at the age of 55 instead of 65, simply means you will need that many years for your retirement income because the social security and retirement benefits doesnt start instantly. Although you have signed a wonderful retirement plans at work, yet access to those benefits will be kept behind the electronic safe of employer until you pass 62, the normal retirement age.

Retiring on Time - In United State of America, if someone retires after 62 and before 67, he is considered as on time retiree. Retiring on right age, means you will be having a good retirement contribution and significant years to enjoy the same. Anyone who retires on time will be paying no health care expenses, because of his automatic entitlement for Medicare.

Late Retirement - Few of us may choose to stay on the role for longer than 67 years of age. Anyone who does so is actually retiring late and grabbing more fiscal benefits. If anyone retires at the age of 70 instead of 65, means he contributed five more years of investment towards his retirement plan. In certain cases, he may be entitling himself for higher social security benefits. However, the darker side of retiring late is, less time for enjoying his huge savings and companionship of those for whom he saved.

by: EnTrusted

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