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subject: For The Sensitive Skinned Organic Girl: Finding The Right Face Cleanser [print this page]

You're a quiet, nature loving soul. Your friends and family are tired of listening to you go on and on about the need for them to start composting their trash. But while you're definitely open and giving, you also want to look like a girl. You're not some gamy hippie chick who cares more about the Earth than taking daily showers. You even fancy yourself to be an organic beauty junkie. While you know of many face cleansers that pass your organic beauty requirements, not many pass those for your sensitive skin. Here are some tips to find a face cleanser that's organic and won't irritate your face in the process.

What Shouldn't Be In Your Face Cleanser

You always knew that any face cleanser you tried had to be gentle on your easily spookable skin. However, your eyes glaze over whenever you look at an ingredient list on any face cleanser. It's not hard, ladies. All you have to do is look for organic face cleansers that are fragrance free. Fragrances can often irritate your skin, which is obviously something that you want to stay away from when it comes to your face.

Two other items that should not be in your face cleanser are parabens and sulfates. Parabens are a preservative that also gets rid of bacteria. There has been some heated debate in the scientific community about the safety of parabens, with discussions bouncing from the subject of possible carcinogenic properties to possible long term physical damage to users. Sulfates have been found to irritate some people's skin.

Should Your Face Cleanser Be Fair Trade?

Fair Trade is a social movement that has a small number of companies paying living wages to third world workers. Many socially conscious people try to buy fair trade products because they want to know that any company they give money to gives all workers enough for an acceptable living standard in their own home countries.

Whether or not your face cleanser should be fair trade certified is entirely up to you. If you can find a fair trade face cleanser that works for your skin, great. If not, it's not the end of the world. You can look for other fair trade products in your community. Try a local store that sells fair trade beauty products from independent cosmetic companies. The Internet is another resource you can try.

The Search

Since organic face cleansers are made of only natural ingredients, you'll have to conduct a search far and wide to find one you like. This is because there are those organic cleansers that have an appearance that some might describe as "weird." As long as you're willing to go beyond first impressions, you'll find one that will work for your face.

Finding the right organic face cleanser is just a manic process of trial and error. Just as most of you didn't marry the first boy you ever kissed, you're probably not going to like the first product you buy. But like a boy, once you've fallen in true love with an organic face cleanser, it's forever. (Fingers crossed)

by: vilumaryan

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