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8 Ways To Engross Kids In Their Community

Kids who learn that helping others makes the community a better place for everyone usually commit themselves to a lifetime of community service. Just think about the impact your kids can make in their society and the world! The following suggestions by correspondence teacher training course are easy to fit in into your agenda and are sure to plant the seeds of community activism.

1. Draw a Welcome wall painting. Welcome visitors to your program by hanging a colorful wall painting in your entrance hall. To begin, use a large sheet of butcher roll paper and ribbon to the floor. At the top of the paper write, Welcome. Then ask the kids to decorate. Make sure you give the kids with different colors of paint, markers, crayons, glue, and collage materials.

2. Plant a Flowerbed at Your doorway. Nothing says, Welcome like a bed or boundary of well-tended flowers and plants. Before purchasing any plants, nevertheless, check with your local greenhouse for a list of plants that are easy for kids to care for and grow well in your area. The kids will have a great sense of satisfaction in not only planting the flowers, but also caring for them as they grow into beautiful flowering plants.

3. Design Your Own Greeting Cards. Send a letter home to parents requesting them to save and bring in used greeting cards. After youve collected sufficient cards, have the kids cut away the pictures and verses. Then paste onto colorful construction paper to make new cards. Help the kids write a special message on their card. Distribute the cards to a nearby nursing home or housing care facility.
8 Ways To Engross Kids In Their Community

4. Collect Non-perishable Food Items. Homeless shelters need non-perishable food items during the whole year, not just during the festival season. Promote the kids to contribute in a food drive by asking members of the community and local businesses to contribute basic food items such as rice, dry beans, canned foods, flour, and sugar.

5. Create a Special wastebasket. Teach kids the significance of depositing waste in suitable places by creating a wastebasket mascot for the classroom. Draw facial features on the wastebasket and create a contest to give the can a name. Place a container indoors and one on the park. Youll be amazed at the eagerness kids will show for taking out the garbage! This is a great idea to share with parents as well.

6. Collect Second-hand Womens Purses. Fill the purses with samples of soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrush, and other toilet items. Then distribute to a womens shelter.

7. Plan a Coat Drive. Hundreds of deprived kids need warm winter clothing each year. Promote parents to contribute clean, used coats, hats, scarves, and gloves that their kids have outgrown. Get in touch with a social service agency in your area for delivery.

8. Include Character Building Activities in Your Curriculum as suggested by nursery teacher training course in Mumbai . Use every chance to teach kids responsibility, integrity, honesty, faithfulness, and authenticity. Talk to the kids about the value of friendship and why it is essential to help others. Connect your parents to school activities by sending home parent newssheets with character-building activities


Through volunteering, your child will participate in enjoyable projects. She will learn to appreciate her community. She will develop her self-esteem as she sees she can make a difference. Even the youngest children can bring joy to others when they volunteer.

by: John Cruser

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