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Disc Personality Testing Explained

The DiSC personality type test is a universally accepted method used to understand human behavior. This testing method is highly popular due to the fact that it has provided positive results over the years. There are four major dimensions that contribute towards this theory: Dominance, Influence, Steadiness and Conscientiousness.

People with the Dominance personality are decisive and have a strong ego and the ability to take a risk. These individuals play an important role in problem solving and are crucial to any team. Type D people are eager to make a decision and move on. These people make great managers in situations that call for quick decisions. However, they have no patience for social niceties or in-depth analysis of a problem, which may grate on team members and lead to bad decisions.

The second personality category is Influence. Some of the general characteristics of people with I type personality are: Enthusiasm, trust, optimism, impulse, and emotion. Type I people areextroverted, friendly, and charismatic. They do well in roles that require lots of social interaction, like sales and customer service, and they can act as the social lubricant that helps teams get along. However, introverted colleagues may find I-types to be garrulous and disorganized.

Steadiness is the third personality type that can be calculated with DISC behavioral assessments. People with the S type personality have a stable personality that helps maintain peace in a group. They usually make great listeners and hence make dependable team members.
Disc Personality Testing Explained

The fourth personality characteristic is Conscientiousness.People who have this personality type are highly analytical and detail-oriented. They take great pride in getting things done right, and they double- and triple-check their work to avoid any mistakes. This can cause conflict with D- and I-types, who prefer to make a decision quickly and move on.

These personality tests are highly useful in any corporate environment as they help understand the various team members and derive strategies that would put the different personalities to good use. The DISC test will also help improve communication skills by determining the various unique communication styles individuals have. This self assessment test also helps people understand their own personality better and make concrete career goals. DISC tests are used by several companies and HR companies to build better teamsand develop better managers to handle the departments.

by: Philip Jones

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