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subject: How To Choose The Ideal Wedding Venue [print this page]

Wedding is definitely one of the most wonderful moments in one's life. For this reason, you should ensure that everything is going to turn out just as planned. Choosing a venue typically seems like a complex task for anyone, principally because it entails a number of considerations that you need to accomplish before you can even go looking for probable venues.

For instance, you primarily need to determine the number of people who will attend your wedding. The most appropriate way to work this out is to consider the total number of wedding invitations that you are planning to send, and estimate that approximately 50-75% of the invited guests will actually come to the ceremony.

If you just carefully carry out your plans, you will realize that everything does not really have to be complicated. Aside from the number of guests, you also have to consider the place where they live, and ensure that the venue for your wedding and the reception are both accessible to them. This way, you will be able to preclude encountering unexpected costs for transportation and accommodation.

Furthermore, you need to decide whether you prefer to hold the ceremony and the reception in separate venues. If you want to do so, it is advisable that you select sites that are in close proximity to one another, and that the reception venue can hold all of your guests. Bear in mind that the number of people who attend the reception is greater than those who went to the actual ceremony.

As soon as you have chosen prospective locations for your wedding, you should go to the site and inspect it. If possible, bring a camera and try to document the site. Determine if it holds the essential things that you want to have on your wedding day, and compare the venues until you have narrowed your list down. You should also take notes of what you like and dislike in a particular venue, and clear any question you have in mind before you proceed onto the next one.

Do not be afraid to explore with the possibilities of choosing an ideal wedding venue. For instance, you may consider a botanical garden, a church, a community center, a building, a marquee, or an outdoor venue. Do not take the site out of your list until you have seen it, and make sure that you communicate your thoughts concerning the settings with your partner and the families on both sides.

by: Johnathon F Black

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