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Travel To The Irish Country

Ireland is the third largest island in Europe, located just northwest of the continent with the Irish Sea separating it from the rest of the United Kingdom. The country is one of the oldest in the world, and its people take pride in their unique culture and history. There are several travel destinations and tourist attractions found in Ireland, from the lush countryside to the bustling cities and towns.

The culture of Ireland is deeply rooted to its proud history. There are several locations in Ireland that showcase how far back their people go, with amazing structures from the Stone Age. And of course, there are several Majestic castles found in the island, where ancient kings, queens and other royals once lived and ruled.

Ireland is also a country that loves its sports. The birthplace of golf is said to have been in Ireland, and one of its top sports remains to be golf. The beautiful geography and landscape of Ireland makes it one of the perfect countries for golf courses, and more than 200,000 golfers travel to Ireland each year to play there. Other famous sports in Ireland include Rugby and Soccer.

Like most countries, Ireland possesses its own distinct kind of food. While visiting the country, you are likely to stay in a pub and experience the homely pub meal, which will consists of varying meats and potatoes. There are also several traditions in Ireland that you are sure to enjoy, including the many drinking games enjoyed there. Try one of the local ales, called Guinness. It is a very strong drink, but it is also very tasty and definitely very Irish.
Travel To The Irish Country

There is also a great deal of national pride in Ireland. There are several grand national monuments found all over the country side that also serve as tourist attractions. Although there are many similarities between the Irish and the British, there are also distinct differences that the locals will happily point out to any traveler of tourist. Most of their sports hold a great rivalry between Ireland and Britain.

Although the weather in Ireland is mostly cold and wet, the people there are very friendly and warm. They will easily befriend any tourist or traveler and offer them a drink in their local pubs. The Irish people are also a very festive people, and will cheer and celebrate every small victory in their many sports. Most of the pubs there are also very festive and will welcome anyone who passes by to share a drink with the locals.

by: Tom August

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