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subject: The First Steps In Planning A Wedding [print this page]

It's the details that make a wedding truly memorable. But getting down to those details may take a lot more work than necessary if you don't really know what you're doing. Which is why it's important that people make the big decisions before they start getting down to the nitty-gritty.

The first two things you need to do before you start planning a wedding is to set a date and figure out how much you're willing to spend. The average engagement period in Australia is 16 months, but a good rule of thumb is to set the date about 8-12 months after you announce your engagement. This gives you enough time to plan out the details and gives you a good chance of getting the venue you want, since most Melbourne wedding reception venues are booked up to a year in advance.

Deciding how much money you're willing to spend gives you a good jumping off point for most of the decisions you'll need to make. This includes how many guests to invite, what kind of flowers, which designer or tailor, what kind of cake, what kind of food to serve, and so on. Your budget will ultimately influence every aspect of your wedding, so it's important that you set a figure early in your planning.

At this point, you might also want to think about whether or not you want to hire a wedding planner. A wedding planner can take care of a lot of the details and legwork for you. This is ideal for couples that don't have a lot of free time on their hands. But if you have some time and you're looking to save a little money, you can certainly do it yourself. There are a lot of online resources for couples that want to plan their own wedding.

The next major decision you'll need to make is whether or not you want to have a religious ceremony. Depending on what you subscribe to, some religious ceremonies may require that you have the actual wedding in a church or chapel. On the other hand, a civil ceremony can be done almost anywhere.

After you've ironed out the basic details, it's time to consider where you want to have your wedding. Depending on your budget, a destination wedding may be a viable option for you. Otherwise, you'll want to start looking into possible venues for the ceremony and reception.

The steps outlined above are just the tip of iceberg for the entire planning process. But once you have these details down, the rest of the process will be easier and less stressful for you.

by: Johnathon F Black

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