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subject: How To Find The Tuition Money To Attend The Beauty School Of Your Choice [print this page]

No matter what your financial situation is, there is always money available for you to attend college of your choice, through federal subsidizing, cosmetology scholarships and grant money. Regardless if you are seeking to get a degree as a hairstylist, a makeup artist, an esthetician, a barber or a nail technician, there is financial money available for you to attend the best Cosmetology School, Academy or Institute.

Applying to an Accredited Beauty School

You can choose to attend any of the accredited schools that follow the strict teaching guidelines outlined by the National Accrediting Commission for Cosmetology Arts and Sciences (NACCAS). Due to the school's accreditation you receive the highest degree of learning, and hands-on experience to help you succeed in your career. Because of their accreditation you most likely be offered cosmetology scholarships, financial aid, grant money and federal loans to help offset the cost of your tuition.

Beauty and Cosmetology Scholarships

Every cosmetology scholarship that is awarded to the student to attend a beauty Academy, School, or Institution is predetermined by a set dollar amount. This amount will help to further cost of covering your entire tuition, and sometimes other associated costs, such as your meals, books, and maybe even room and board. Most scholarships are generally awarded to students based on merit, including your ongoing grade-point average from high school or other college curriculums.

Scholarships Based on Need

While there are scholarships that are awarded to students with high grade point averages, other scholarships are available for those students who struggle to come up with all the financial monies they need to cover their tuition. Based on need, the scholarships are available to any qualifying student. There are also numerous cosmetology programs that have scholarships awarded based solely on the students ethnicity or financial situation. Many of these scholarships are provided by organizations and companies associated with the beauty industry.

Find a Scholarship for You

The easiest way to find all the available scholarships to beauty academies and cosmetology schools is to do your homework. You can conduct comprehensive online searches to lead you the vast resources available. By applying early (long before your classes begin) you can get a jumpstart on everyone else who will be applying in the near future. Apply to everything available, no matter how small the dollar amount appears.

Your goal is to find as much money as you can to cover the cost of your tuition, even if it arrives as a pile of little scholarships and grant money in small amounts. Finally, be sure every application you fill out is complete and has a professional appearance. Those in charge that read a well prepared and professional looking application will understand you are serious about your career.

Some Cosmetology Scholarships, Grants and Loans

The short list of available private cosmetology scholarships, private and government loans along with grant money include those from the ACE Grant, NCEA Scholarship, AHBAI Scholarship, American Cosmetology Education Grant, the Federal Pell Grant, the OPI, Sally Beauty Supply, the Federal Supplemental Education Opportunity Grant, along with the Jeanette Rankin Foundation.

by: Shaly Criston

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