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subject: Impressing Sexy Women [print this page]

Did you happen to hear about the US solider who scored a hot date with Mila kunis? He was the envy of every man across the world because he managed to snag a date with one of many sexy women in Hollywood. This little episode set off a chain reaction for others to jump aboard scoring dates with sexy women, and even got a female solider Justine Timberlakes attention.

Most men have their sexual fantasies about sexy women in the fashion industry and of course celebrities. But reality and fantasy are two completely different things! This US solider who got a date with sexy Mila was more than likely very nervous. Even if we happen to land dates with ordinary sexy women from our neck of the woods, can sometimes intimidate even the most secure and confident men on the planet.

How do you act in front of those sexy women on the first date?

Sexy women, hot women, beautiful women they are all ladies who deserve some respect. So acting natural and calm is your best bet. But to really impress the sexy ladies, follow some guidelines of romance to help.

#1 Be Real

Dont over indulge in self talk. After your date concludes she will be on the phone to friends telling them how full of yourself you were. Dont make up any B.S and try to be something youre not. Imagine for one minute you hit it off with this sexy women and date number 2, or 3, or 4 comes along getting caught in stupid ass lies wont land you in the bedroom.

#2 Try to Act Interested

Avoid being a bore and try drawing out her interests. Once you get this sexy lady to talk, and she will if you play your cards right, actually pay attention and converse from that point. Staring at her chest in total awe, while drooling down the side of your neck will also not get you anywhere near the bedroom.

#3 Avoid the Memory Swap

After the awkwardness settles down, it can sometimes be easy to get sucked into the memories game. This means you start yacking about past experiences, and you go back and forth with your sexy date. Build on the moment yes, I am talking about the old clich Live for the moment! Subtlety and seductively make some moves here; talk about her beauty, her interests, how happy you are to have met her. For the love of God dont go overboard!

Saying stupid sh** like, Youre the one Ive been dreaming about, or I think I love you will turn you into Stalker Boy. Enough said.

#4 Gifts and Manners

A lot of men still wonder and question about flowers or chocolates. This is easy; women have this horrible habit called Dieting so avoid gifts of chocolate. Flowers on the other hand pose no harm and the sexy ladies love it.

by: Ramiro Murphy

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