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subject: Outsourcing Relief For The Control Freak In You [print this page]

Don't try to hide it. You're in good company.

We all have a bit of "control freak" in us. It's that nagging feeling you get when you ask for help on a project. You want it done right and maybe you were burned in the past. You could have gone after the offender with a pitchfork, but decided to stay out of jail and simply do it all yourself. That may have worked for awhile, but now your to-do list is keeping you up at night. You're ready to try delegating again, but where do you start?

Outsourcing costs money and, unless you have a money tree growing in your backyard, you have to be careful. Does your budget allow for only one freelancer? Two? Only you can answer that question. Once you know the answer, you're ready to outsource some mundane tasks and save yourself a chunk of time during your workday. Make a list of all the tasks you do every day and then check out the following tips.

A control freak's guide to lightening up:

Say goodbye to time-consuming tasks.

This is a big one. You might be the world's best writer, but if it takes you hours to churn out some quality prose, you're better off delegating the task to a talented ghostwriter who can work faster that you ever could.

Delegate the things you hate to do.

It could be a big list, but that's okay. No one will know but you. Let's say your list includes entering data in a spreadsheet or making travel arrangements. When your budget allows, there's a freelancer who can take those awful things off your plate.

Outsource the stinker tasks and come out smelling like a rose.

Think of the things you stink at. Graphics or web design, anyone? It takes time to learn those skills and time is something you don't have a lot of right now. Outsource and save yourself a huge learning curve.

Let go of some of the menial things you do every day.

Look at your list. How many of those are easy jobs with minimal instruction? Outsource it! Affordable freelancers will be more than happy to format your documents or submit articles for you.

Farm out any non-emergency tasks that aren't critical to your success.

This is for the control freak in you who has trouble letting go. Hire a freelancer for those back-office duties that don't have strict deadlines. Start small and build your team as your budget allows.

Outsourcing can be a beautiful thing if you do it right. You'll have more time to focus on your clients and less time to wrestle with your inner power struggle. It's a win-win.

by: deannamaiosuccess

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