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subject: Advantages Of Buying Raised Garden Bed Kits [print this page]

Buying raised garden bed kits is a quick and easy way to get yourself started on the benefits of gardening in a raised bed. Many raised garden bed kits are made from durable cedar wood and come in many sizes. Raised garden bed kits come with easy instructions to assemble, and even a very inexperienced woodworking person can build it. Purchasing pre-made raised garden bed kits takes the guesswork out of cutting the boards to the right size and picking the correct corner reinforcements to make sure the beds are durable enough to hold the soil wight. You just can open the raised garden bed kit box and start putting it together! You can even choose to buy two kits for one garden bed and stack them to elevate the bed even higher.

Raised garden bed kits are a great way to grow vegetables and other plants.Some soil conditions do not allow proper drainage for roots so even keeping a plant alive can be a challenge. Buying and building raised garden bed kits allows you to choose the soil type you want to fill the box with to fit your gardening needs.

You can find raised garden bed kits at your local home improvement store, hardware store, garden center, or even online. Some places will carry bigger sizes or types of raised garden bed kits. It is helpful to know what you are planning to grow in order to know how big your raised garden bed kits dimensions need to be. A big advantage of having a raised garden bed is that you can utilize all the space inside the box by square foot gardening. Having the garden elevated eliminates the need to put in walking paths or rows for stepping. and by not stepping around your plants reduces soil compaction, resulting in healthier roots and plants.

Raised bed gardening also allows proper drainage for the plants roots. Having a raised bed even provides a longer growing season because the soil in the raised garden bed kits' temperature is warmer than the natural ground temperature. So you can plant earlier and continue gardening longer!

Purchasing raised garden bed kits can help you grow 1.4 to 2 times more produce for your growing season due to their many advantages.

Besides the advantages to the plants, raised garden bed kits also help you, the gardener, out in a huge way too. Having your garden elevated off the ground provides more comfortable tending conditions. You will not have to bend down so far to weed and pick your produce! You may even choose to pull up a stool to sit and weed! I bet your back likes the sound of that!

Purchasing raised garden bed kits allow you to almost instantly set up and plant a garden with minimal ground preparation and time! Just fill your assembled kit with quality growing soil and, snap, you have your planting space ready! Whether you are planting vegetables or flowers, buying and building raised garden bed kits is the gardeners secret and delight.

by: Justin Beightol

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