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subject: Family Water Safety [print this page]

With the warmer weather fast approaching and friends and neighbors opening their pool areas, its time to make sure you are knowledgeable about pool and water safety. Keeping your family safe should never be left up to others when water is involved. When accidents happen around water, whether it be at the beach or poolside, they often happen quickly. Simple, proven water safety steps can be taken to assure you, your loved ones, friends and neighbors enjoy your waterside time this coming season without incident.

There are several basic water safety initiatives and common sense rules that apply to everyone.

1. If you own a pool or have a body of water on your property and a child in the neighborhood is missing, check the water first! Every minute can be critical.

2. Never leave children alone in the water and never leave children alone BY the water.

3. Any child three and under should be required to wear a life saving device when playing in or near water, no exceptions, regardless of how well they or adults nearby can swim.

4. Always make sure that a nearby telephone has easy to read/access emergency numbers always on hand.

5. Always make sure first aid and life saving devices are readily available.

6. Make sure everyone participating knows the water safety rules and that all adults know exactly where to find equipment and first aid when needed.

7. If you own a pool, always make sure to remove any patio furniture or other bulk that could allow a child to easily climb over fencing or above ground pool barriers.

8. Make sure that your drain covers and fencing surrounding the pool area are up to current regulations and guidelines.

9. Install window and door alarms on all entrances and windows facing the pool area.

Following these simple, practical water safety guidelines can save lives. Water related injuries and fatalities can happen in the pool, at the beach or even in your bathroom! Swimming is an excellent way to exercise and have fun outside or inside. Just make sure to be safe and smart when in or around the water.

by: Renee Laurin

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