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subject: I Want To Communicate Better With My Girlfriend - Some Tips To Help You With This [print this page]

It is certainly a very good desire to have to want to communicate better with your girlfriend. So often, women are the ones that are complaining about the lack of communication in a relationship, and as a guy who wants to do better with this, you are doing something that most men will not and that is a good thing. Of course, just having the desire to have better skills at communicating with your girlfriend is not enough, you are going to have to actually acquire those skills to reap the rewards that can come from this. Still, you should feel good knowing that you are willing to work on this part of your relationship, as there are plenty of men who won't dare work on this area and will end up paying a pretty hefty price for that.

Here are some tips that can help you with your desire to have better communication with your girlfriend if that is what you really want:

1) It should always be looked at as a two way street.

You are going to have to do your part and your girlfriend is going to have to do hers. You can't look at this as being one sided in any way, because if you do that, you are going to be sabotaging your potential for success. That means that you are going to have to be open to hearing what she has to say, and not just become more vocal in saying the things that you want to say.

2) You should make time for you and her to just sit down and talk.

You probably are living a busy life and as such, it can be hard to devote time to just sit down and have good conversation with the woman you are dating, but that is what you are going to have to try to do if you want to really put in your best effort. So, to help you attain this goal, it would be a very good idea to schedule in some time every now and again where you and her can just sit down and talk with one another.

3) If you ask the right questions, you will get the right answers.

One of the reasons why you might be interested in having a better ongoing communication with your girlfriend is because you want to feel like you really know as much about her as you can. And that is a good thing to want to do. If you ask her the right questions, you will get the answers that you are looking for. So, if there is something on your mind that you really want to know about, don't be afraid to pose the question and wait for her response. That really is the only way to find out exactly what it is that you want to know.

by: Chris Tyler

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