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subject: Taking Control Of Eczema In Young Children [print this page]

Taking Control Of Eczema In Young Children

Eczema is a rash of the skin also known as topic dermatitis. The condition often appears in adolescents under five years of age. Infant eczema is commonly found on their scalp and cheek area. However, it can spread to other extremities in the lower part of the body. The beginning stages of eczema may be found on the interior of the elbow, the creases in the back of the knees, wrists and ankles. The condition can also affect other areas of the body.

The skin rash may appear like dry scaly skin, or it could have red bumpy areas that become infected from continued scratching. Scratching the affected area can cause a dark, thick, and heavily scarred area. Eczema is not a contagious disease and frequently comes and goes. Eczema is very uncomfortable because of the intense itching that comes along with the condition. If the condition remains untreated the scarring may detour individuals from attending social gatherings.

Things to Do When Controlling Eczema

(1) Allow the skin to stay cool and breath. Dress in light cotton fabrics. Stay away for scratchy materials like wool. Avoid wearing layers of clothes when mowing the lawn, or doing other outdoor activities. If weather conditions are unfavorable try to not bundle up children affected with this condition. Layered clothing will not allow the skin to properly breath to control the out-breaks.
Taking Control Of Eczema In Young Children

(2) Avoid body cleansers are not eczema friendly. Most bath and body soaps are made with fragrances that may irritate the sensitive skin areas. Use detergents that are free of fragrances for washing bed linens and clothes. Most of all avoid using any type of softeners for fabrics. Use sensitive skin baby washes that will not aggregative the child's skin rash.

(3) Avoid itching. Individuals may find some comfort in scratching with fingernails, or unintentionally rubbing their face against the sheets while sleeping. The only thing this will accomplish is further irritation of the skin. Use soft bed linens. This will eliminate the urge to scratch while sleeping. Put mittens on children's hands if they will allow it to keep them from scratching themselves. Also it is important to keep your child's fingernails cut short to avoid damaging scratch marks. Doctors may recommend an antihistamine for children who have a hard time sleeping.

(4) Use a baby eczema treatment. One eczema treatment that has been proven to help is Bleach. Researchers have discovered that soaking in diluted bleach bath water was more beneficial then soaking in regular tap water. Professors of Pediatrics say that this treatment should be tried by parents whose children are affected with this skin disorder. The recommended dosage is 1/2 cup of bleach to a full tub of bath water. Make sure the child does not drink the water. This regimen is recommended twice weekly, at ten minute intervals, as a baby eczema treatment.

Possible Irritants to Avoid

Temperature Changes - Rapid temperature changes can actually make the condition worse. Try not to let the child's temperature change from hot to cold too fast.

Allergies - Environmental allergens seem to set off eczema. An individual may need to consult with an allergist for recommendations on dealing with the allergies.

Smoking - Cigarette smoking within the same confinement of a child with eczema is detrimental to their health. The ingredients found in most smoking materials aggravate the skin when it comes in contact of the sensitive skin.

Stress - Keep your child stress free. Stressful situations can cause severe outbreaks in the affected area.

by: Jordan McPelt

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