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subject: Unknown Weight Loss Tips That Can Really Help [print this page]

Losing weight is a huge industry in the United States. Because most of us would like to lose a few pounds, we've spend some time researching the issue, and finding out what to do in order to fit into our old clothes. Most of us know the basics, like drinking plenty of water, eating lean proteins and things like that. But there are some tips out there that work pretty well that many people don't know about.

Maybe because they can't be turned into a book to make money, or maybe they can't help sell gym memberships. But the truth of the matter is that if you add some of these tips to your current activities, you can easily lose a little bit more weight.

Getting plenty of sleep is important when it comes to weight loss. When you sleep, your repairs itself, and you increase your metabolic efficiency. During deep sleep is also when Human Growth Hormone is released, causing you to burn more fat and rev up your metabolism. So if you have been cutting back on the sleep, take some naps, or find a way to squeeze in an extra hour or two now and then.

If you do cardio, then you likely do the same rate for a while. But by introducing some sprinting, or anything that maxes out your heart rate, you'll be dramatically changing your muscle structure. And this will cause your metabolism to go up, which will cause you to lose your weight.

One way to self correct when you cheat on your diet is to leave out all the food wrappers or containers. If you make it a rule to leave them out for a couple of days, then you'll subconsciously crave them less and less in the future.

Many people love watching TV. The problem is that there have been many studies that have linked watching TV with obesity. The thinking is that while we watch TV, we get lulled into a kind of stupor where we start eating without thinking about it. To combat this, try doing some exercises while watching TV. Even if you get an exercise bike and ride it really slowly while watching your favorite programs, you'll burn a lot more calories, and won't eat any junk food.

Eating a breakfast that is high in protein and fat, but not carbohydrates, will do wonders for your metabolism. Your body will be forced to break down the fat for energy, and the protein will keep you feeling much fuller than a bowl of Captain Crunch.

When cooking, use a lot more spices. This will give the food more flavor, which will make it more filling. That way, you'll eat less.

When you choose just a couple of these tips, and mix them in with your daily exercise and eating plan, you'll be amazed how well they work.

by: Winston Takeda

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