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subject: How To Get Your Girlfriend Turned On - 3 Tips To Make You Seem Like Magic To Her [print this page]

How would you like to be able to get your girlfriend so turned on by you, it makes her look at you almost like you have a magic touch? Wouldn't it be nice to know that she is so intrigued, aroused, and satisfied by you that you never have to worry about her secretly wishing that you were more skilled in the bedroom? Well, as much as it may seem like just a dream to be that kind of guy, I assure you that it does not have to be that way at all. You can be the kind of guy who can arouse his girlfriend to the point where she is totally satisfied by you and you will never have to worry that she secretly wished that you were better when it came to the sex.

The funny thing is, most of the things that will turn you into that kind of guy don't seem that sexual at first. At least, not the way that men see it. However, when you try them out, you should find that it seems like suddenly, you do have the magic touch and you will know this by the way that she looks at you.

Here are 3 tips that should get your girlfriend turned on and leave her satisfied by you:

1) Romance her with conversation first.

When it comes to seduction, you really need to become very skilled at being able together the kind of conversation that gets her hooked and starts to trigger her desire and lust. Thus, you don't want to be too sexual at first, but slowly escalate the conversation so that it leads that way. She may be your girlfriend, but you still have to lead her in the right direction.

2) Kiss her with passion.

Passionate kissing can really get a woman turned on very quickly. However, you don't want to do what a lot of men do and "suck face" when you are kissing. Go slow, be gentle and firm, and don't forget that you don't just want to kiss her on the mouth, you want to move to other areas as well.

3) Finally, you want to get good at performing down below.

I have yet to meet a woman who does not enjoy it when a man knows how to tease her and please her orally. Most of the women that say that it's not a big deal are either lying or they are saying that because they have yet to be with a guy who really knows what he is doing in that regard. Trust me, you want to be skilled at this because the looks that she will give you are PRICELESS.

by: Chris Tyler

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