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subject: Want Your Ex Girlfriend Back - These 7 Mistakes May Get In The Way [print this page]

I'd hate to sound like the pessimistic guy who is going to tell you that you can't get what you want, but the reality is, if you are really trying hard to win back your ex girlfriend, you do have to be aware of the fact that there are some mistakes that you can make that are going to ruin any chance that you may have of being able to convince your ex girlfriend that you are the one. I know that this is what you want to happen. You want to be able to find out some kind of a way to make your ex feel like she made a really big mistake when she decided to end the relationship. And, even though I realize that your heart is in the right place, I still have to remind you of the fact that it can be really easy to make a few blunders here and there that are going to make it next to impossible for you to get what you want. Sad thing is, when most men make these kinds of blunders, they don't know it until it is too late and there is nothing that they can do to undo what they have done.

As you might already know, there are a vast array of reasons why men can't seem to be able to win back the woman they love, even if their heart is in the right place. It's not good enough to have your heart in the right place if you don't do the things that you have to do in order to make her want to be with you again. What I would also suggest is that you try to change the things that you believe about winning back an ex that are really based in what people think should work and not really on what actually works. I have heard people give others suggestions on what they can do to patch things up with their ex girlfriend that are just not going to be effective at all, yet they sound like they should be. Watch out for this, because what really matters is that you end up getting her back, and not that you follow advice that just sounds like it should work out for you.

Here are 7 reasons why you won't be able to get your ex girlfriend back:

1) You are the kind of guy who is going to apologize to her over and over again.

This may go against the grain of what you think you should do, but here is what you need to realize. When a guy makes too many apologies, it can take away the value that they have. Meaning, one apology will sound sincere and may be nice for her to hear, but too many will end up making her feel like you are just apologizing to get on her good side and that you don't really mean what you are saying.

2) You do not want to turn your ex girlfriend into someone you see as being too good for you.

It's never a good thing for a guy to put a woman up on a pedestal because of the fact that she can never live up to that idealized version of herself. Not only that, but if you put a woman up on a perch high above you, metaphorically speaking you are saying that she is out of your league. How are you going to be able to win her back if you feel like she is out of your league and you don't deserve her?

3) You have to try and resist the temptation to make your ex girlfriend feel like she made a mistake by breaking up with you.

So, she kind of broke your heart when she broke up with you. That can make you feel a bit bitter and make you think that it would be a good idea to make her feel guilty in return. However, I would refrain from doing that, because it is usually the wrong decision to make. Making her feel guilty is not going to make her want you back. At best, all it will do is make her feel bad about herself.

4) You should not try to convince her to get back with you every time that you see her.

You have probably heard that it can be a bad thing to talk about the same thing over and over again and this is yet another case of that. When you are always talking to her about getting back together, it is inevitable that she is going to get tired of that and want to avoid being around you. Anything that you do that makes her want to avoid being around is obviously a mistake, because that puts a dent in your plans to try and get her back.

5) Not making any changes is a huge mistake if you want her back.

As much as you may hate to think about it like this, if you and your girlfriend broke up, then that is a pretty clear indication that changes need to be made. They may be changes in the way that you deal with relationship issues, they may be changes that you need to make to your personality. Whatever they may be, it is a wise idea to realize that change is a part of the process of getting back with your ex girlfriend.

6) Do not let yourself suffer from one woman only syndrome.

The world is filled with single women. Just because you really want to be with one woman does not mean that she is the only one out there. It can be a bad thing to do that because you end up becoming too attached to her and that only leads to clingy behavior which is about one of the biggest turn offs to most women. You don't want to be the guy who acts like his ex girlfriend is the only woman he could ever be with, trust me.

7) Most guys find that it is a big mistake to try and win back their ex girlfriend without any advice from someone who knows what they are talking about.

Guys need help with this and you have to be able to see that. If you were to compare the success rate of men who go it alone and actually win back their ex versus the ones that get some helpful hints as to what they should do, I would say that the guys who get help are the ones that are more successful. Sometimes you need to be able to get an outsiders perspective on things to be able to see what you really need to be able to do.

These are just 7 possible reasons why you won't be able to get back with your ex girlfriend, but there are many more that could easily get in the way of you being able to get what you want. The fact of the matter is that if you are serious about being able to win her back, then you have to know what things could go wrong and stand in the way of you being able to win her over again.

by: A.J. Smith

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