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subject: Using Skin Care Products Do Not Make Men Gay! [print this page]

When it comes to applying a face cream, men always act fussy. Most of them find moisturizing and other skin care activities extremely feminine. The reason for such a behavior is the way men are brought up. Men are conditioned to be rough and tough, and do not care about moisturizing, or exfoliating. Making them understand that basic skin care is not make up, is a tough job.

There is nothing feminine, or gay in using the basic skin care beauty products. Be it a face wash, moisturizer, or a face cream, men have always found excuses to shove them off as a womans thing. It is important that they know exactly what are the uses of simple, everyday skin care essentials.

Face washes clean the face without leaving it dry

Using a face wash instead of a soap bar is a better option, as it does not leave the face dry like a soap. Cleansing the face with a face wash is not a complicated process. There are no such details like how to massage, how to foam, and how to rinse. It is a simple product with very simple usage. Pick any one of the mens face washes and just use it every day whenever you want to wash your face.

Moisturizing is not a beauty treatment

Using a face wash is still okay, though men just do not want to get into the moisturizing activity. It is no beauty treatment that will enhance your looks, or make you look or smell like women. It is just a simple product that prevents dryness and keeps the skin elastic. Have your ever noticed the whiteness on hands and feet that makes the skin look scaly and cracked? Moisturizers will avoid such embarrassing situations. Use it at least once a day, ideally after morning bath. Twice a day is better, though to start with, once will also suffice.

Blackheads look equally ugly on men

No matter how ugly blackheads look, men will never agree to get rid of them. Before refusing, you should know what blackheads are. They are not a mark of your masculinity, rather they are impurities that just clog the skin pores. Light scrubbing for five minutes, every 15 days, is all it takes to get rid of them. It will make your skin look fresh and young. You do not even need to use the same scrub as your sister, mother, or wife. Just like face wash and face cream, men can choose from a range of scrubs. Any scrub, or face cream men use is a little harder than the one used by women, so that it is effective on tough skin.

It is high time men stop confusing basic skin care with beauty and makeup treatments. You do not need to use a body shaping cream, or get your eyebrows plucked. Proper cleaning and nourishing is important to keep the skin healthy, and prevent it from premature aging. It is not just about a face wash, or a face cream, men should realize that being neat and clean is very important for all human beings, irrespective of gender and age.

by: Kaper Knight

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