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subject: Yoga Strategies For Top Results [print this page]

Practising yoga regularly has brought many benefits to my every day life - and it can do the same for you too. It can bring about a calmness to the mind, and a stronger body. I first started practising yoga when I was going through a particular stressful time, and it was such a help to me, that I just didn't ever stop doing it. Now that my life is a lot less stressful, I still find a lot of value in stretching out and getting in tune a few times a week.

To get the best out of yoga, it's important to take on board these strategies that I'm going to share with you now. It took me a while to realise these, but I'm sharing them with you so that you don't have to go through the same learning curve that I did. You'll gain the benefits without the exploratory time.

1. Find a class or a DVD that suits your level of ability. If you have a class in mind, have a chat with the teachers to understand whether their style of yoga suits your needs. Some classes are very vigorous and you may need to have a practise run before you get involved. Don't move too fast or it could bring on a bit of a headache and put you off.

2. Listen out for messages from your body. Pushing yourself too far could result in hurting yourself or even worse - putting you off yoga for the long term. Don't thrust yourself into vigorous routines before you are ready. Yoga is meant to be something that you enjoy and look forward to doing. You could always find a DVD to start with and then try a class later on down the road, once you have had time to try yoga at your own pace.

3. In addition to DVDs that you do at home, there are other information sources available where you can learn more. You can find smartphone apps, books, magazines and web sites. Yoga is more than an exercise routine, it's a lifestyle that can bring about a lot of positivity and calmness into your everyday life.

4. If you discover that the general classes aren't for you - you can always take a private class. One-on-one sessions with a tutor can help you find the program or routine that is right for your ability and needs. Once you have had a couple of sessions, you'll be improved in your own sessions at home.

5. Prior to starting up any yoga exercises, have a chat with your medical practitioner. Explain what you want to do when it comes to yoga poses. If you take a long a few images of the poses - it will make it a whole lot easier to explain. Certain poses may be considered dangerous if you suffer from glaucoma, blood stress, have experienced retinal detachment or heart disease. Take on board what your doctor tells you - he does know best.

Grab your mat and a towel and let's get down to some yoga moves.

by: Thomon Wardle

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