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subject: More Men Gravitating Towards Titanium Jewelry [print this page]

It skyrocketed in popularity not so long ago and become the metal of choice for many men and women. Titanium jewelry broke retail records as many online stores began to offer this unique type of metal. As years pass, many thought that the popularity of titanium jewelry was just a fad that will go into irrelevancy after some time. But today, many online jewelry retailers report that titanium remains to be popular and still gaining fans, more so as engagement rings and wedding bands, significantly attracting more and more male customers.

Even amidst the explosion of alternative and industrial metals in the jewelry world, titanium holds a significant market share and many even say that it caters to a specific niche in the industry. "Early adopters" or people who can easily change their habits when some new or innovative idea or product catches their attention, are the biggest consumers of jewelry made in titanium. Such type of consumers is characterized to be forward-thinking, practical and unafraid to try new things have put titanium as a metal of choice in the fashion map today. Reasons for the popularity and unhindered momentum of titanium in the jewelry industry can be traced to its unique characteristics which put it to a league of its own when it comes to alternative metals for gold, silver or platinum.

Some years ago, titanium is rarely used in jewelry as many designers used the tried-and-test precious metals in creating their products. Also, due processing titanium was a costly endeavor, not many jewelry manufacturers and designers took interest in utilizing it. But as technology and techniques in processing this metal became more afford (due to the development of FFC Cambridge process) titanium got the attention of the luxury goods market which include the jewelry industry. Starting with engagement rings and wedding bands that proved to be popular among men, jewelry designers now crafts pendants, bracelets and other types of accessories using titanium that pushed it to the modern trends in fashion.

Though many women also love the uniqueness of titanium, men are still the predominant consumers of titanium industry as more jewelry now becomes available catering to male customers. Due to its white metal color, light weight and durability, men even those with very active lifestyles now choose titanium as their jewelry of choice. Its popularity in jewelry might also be traced to the fact that titanium is used in aerospace, high tech gadgets and first class automobiles that made it so popular among men. As the saying goes, "Boys and their toys..."

Titanium jewelry is nothing new so how come it is still making such a buzz today? Well, compared to other alternative metals like tungsten, cobalt chrome and stainless steel, titanium is still in its infancy when it comes to jewelry and also, it is a league of its own. Its characteristics are so unique that no metal, precious or not, can really compare to it. It is not the best by comparison nor is it the most expensive but titanium's light weight, strength, corrosion resistance and hypoallergenic features create one of the most perfect metals in the jewelry industry today that many men and women just could not get enough off.

Whether for casual accessories or wedding rings, there is no doubt that titanium will stay on the jewelry industry's hottest and must-have list for years to come.

by: Lina Lambert

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