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subject: Bosses - Is Paying Out For Injury Law Training Worthwhile? [print this page]

Bosses - Is Paying Out For Injury Law Training Worthwhile?

In today's difficult financial climate, many owners and managers are looking for ways to save money. In that context you may well be examining each aspect of your current and planned expenditures, and asking the all-important question, 'Do the benefits outweigh the costs?' It may well be tempting to cut back on training for the time being, but to do so is often counter-productive and may prevent you from moving forward. And in general, the businesses that are most likely to prosper in difficult times are the ones who do what they can to get ahead, rather than shrinking back inside their shells and hoping for the best.

Why Personal Injury Training?

Personal injury training is one such way of getting ahead. Personal injury is an ever expanding area of law, and thousands of people in the UK are injured in accidents that weren't their fault every year. If you don't already have staff who are trained to specialise in personal injury claims, choosing to invest in this area may be the most important decision you make in 2012.

Expanding your repertoire means that you're less dependent on other areas of your legal practice which may 'dry up' or stagnate from time to time. This in turn can greatly boost the overall health of your business and make it more recession-proof. Aside from this, if you're not involved in personal injury claims, you're missing out on a lucrative field of law, and one which is constantly growing.
Bosses - Is Paying Out For Injury Law Training Worthwhile?

Investing in high quality personal injury training can also provide a significant boost to your reputation. Being seen as a law firm that is capable of dealing successfully with a wide range of cases and legal issues is certainly an enviable position to be in. Investing in the right legal training from the start can maximise results and minimise costly errors.

Topping Up Skills And Knowledge

If you're already involved in PI and have staff trained for that purpose, there's still plenty of reason to invest in extra legal training. Personal injury law is changing all the time, and scheduling regular training is a great way to keep on top of the latest developments and best practice. It can also help to keep staff sharp and so enhance their performance.

On the subject of staff, additional legal training is a great way of improving morale. Everyone likes to feel valued in their job, and either sending them on a personal injury training course or bringing in in-house personal injury training is a very strong signal of the value you place on your staff. Not only that, it can be an important team-building experience that may improve team cohesion and drive even better results and work-efficiency.

Considering all these things, the answer to the original question - is paying out for injury law training worthwhile? - is quite clear. Not only is it worth the investment, the costs of not undertaking the training can be greater than that of paying for the training itself.

by: Sue Richardson

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