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subject: Dating Strategies: Am I Approachable? [print this page]

If men are not contacting you, at this time there could very well be a little something that's making you "unapproachable". Men are always approaching gals, however, there are many scenarios that will halt them in their tracks: a crowd of females hovering together, a lady who is sitting down, a "mean" facial expression, etc. Are you actually blocking guys from contacting you? This could very well be the case.

Most guys move in mysterious ways and the concern that they strive to safeguard most in everyday living is their "pride". Sure, no man loves a tarnished ego. As a result of this, males classically approach ladies that seem "okay", rather than sauntering right up to someone that is probably going to embarrass or refuse them.

Most notably, many men avoid getting close to a woman that is surrounded by a cluster of friends. Approaching a party of ladies is scary and requires the individual to wow or impress all of the women, rather than just one. This basically kills the odds of in reality striking up a dialogue with the woman he has his eyes on thru the floor.

Just a couple of ways that you can actively present yourself as being a more approachable sort of girl are by doing the following: You should consider they type of clothing that you wear. Wear something that is not too prim, but not too provocative at the same time. Always double check your body language to be sure that you are sitting or standing in a way that will attract the right type of man. If you are hanging out at a club and have your arms folded across your chest, that does not project the message that you want someone to come talk to you. Give and hold eye contact for a minute or so to let someone know that you are interested. Always break away from the intimidating crowd that may be encircling you every once in a while. Last of all, don't be so serious, but smile and laugh a lot. If a guy cracks a joke - laugh at it! No one wants to talk to a sourpuss.

The bottom line is that If you want guys to get in touch with you a whole lot more frequently, determine how they see different issues and position yourself in a more approachable fashion and you will be chatting it up with a good looking guy in no time.

by: Claire Dimmit

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