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subject: Breast Lift, Mastopexy A Best Option To Get Rid Of Sagging Breasts [print this page]

Breast lift or mastopexy surgery involves raising and firming the breasts. This type of surgery simply removes the excess skin from the breast and tightens the surrounding tissue which helps to reshape and uplift the breast curve.

The shape of a womens breast changes over time as she ages and she lose her youthful shape and firmness. Due to pregnancy, aging, breastfeeding, weight fluctuation and heredity, these changes generally occur. The areola a darker skin around the nipple will also become enlarged with age. This can be reshaped with chest lift. Well shaped and uplifted breasts are a sign of femininity for women. When she loses the skin elasticity of her breasts it makes a great impact on her body shape. With a profile that is youthful and uplifted, such lift can rejuvenate a woman's figure.

Basically a surgical procedure, a breast lift Sydney remolds drooping breasts into the desired youthful shape. Sagging breasts are common problem for every woman and for this reason they seek to overcome this problem with its lifting. Before going for the breast surgery, you need to visit an experienced plastic surgeon. The surgeon will explain you about your desired shape and size and also tell you how the nipples and areolas will be repositioned. After thoroughly examining your breasts, he will take important measurements, and will try to evaluate the size and shape of it. You also need to share your medical history, and any unusual information about your health with the surgeon.

Many kinds of techniques are used for the mastopexy surgery. Depending on the entire structure and position of your breasts and the degree of ptosis, the doctor uses the techniques. Mild ptosis can be treated with either a crescent or circumereolar lift. A slight crescent of skin is removed from above your nipple, which allows the breast to be reshaped, and the nipples being repositioned to an upward direction in case of a crescent breast lift.

Either with circumereolar or a keyhole breast lift, moderate ptosis can be treated with two different ways. The skin is removed from around the nipple in the keyhole lift. A treatment of keyhole or anchor lift is performed in the case of serious ptosis. Skin is removed above and around the nipples and down till the infirmary fold in such lift. Either above or below the nipple, such kind of surgery may result in scars. In bathing suits, bras and low-cut tops this can easily be concealed. Resulting from such surgery this is perhaps the major drawback.

Across the globe boob lift surgery is growing in popularity. It uplifts your chest and significantly changes the size of it. Consider mastopexy surgery with best breast doctor in Sydney if you want to enhance the look of your breasts. Visit Dr Barnouti in Sydney, Chatswood and Parramatta NSW Australia.

by: Nathan Boom

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