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subject: How Do I Get A Girlfriend If I Am Always Busy? [print this page]

There are always going to be some "roadblocks" on the path to success in anything that you want to get better at and when it comes to getting better with women or getting a girlfriend, one of the more common ones is that you just don't have the time to go out and constantly meet new women. I know what it is like to work long hours and come home at the end of the day and feel like you just don't have the energy to go out and try to pick up women. That's one of the reasons why the pick up game is usually a young man's thing. Once you are in the workforce and pulling in the long hours, it can be hard to just get up and go out at night.

That said, it should not be something that totally stops you from trying to be able to get a girlfriend. All work and no play will make you a boring guy and trust me, there are lots of boring guys putting in long hours in jobs all over the place. Ask a guy who has been doing that for years how it feels and most will tell you that it is just not worth it if you don't have a life outside of work that is enjoyable.

What can a guy who is always busy do if he wants to get a girlfriend?

An option that you always have that not every man will take advantage of, is using online dating sites as a way to meet women. You don't have to go out, you can sit at home and meet women and that can be good if you just don't have the time and energy to be out and about at the end of the day. Of course, you will have to meet up with any woman you meet in person if you are going to end up dating, but that can be scheduled in once you have actually met someone that you want to date.

Another option that you have is to find a way to make the time. This can be hard to do, it's one of those things that is easy to say, but hard to put into place. However, if you have the ability to cut back on your hours a little bit, it may be a good idea to do so. That way, you are able to get out to meet women and you won't have the excuse of not having the time and the energy.

The final option, and the one that I think is the most sensible, is to learn what it takes to get good with women so that you don't have to go out so much. One thing that a lot of men do is they just rely on chance, in that, if they meet enough women - eventually one of the ones that they meet will end up wanting to date them. The problem is, if you don't know what you are doing and it really is just playing the odds, you have to go out a lot to make that happen. It's just not that efficient. On the other hand, if you learn what to do to make a woman feel instant attraction towards you, you don't have to go out that much at all.

You can go out once in a while and be confident that if you see a woman you are attracted to, you will be able to make her feel the same way. Instead of having to approach 10 women to get one phone number, you might be able to approach two women to get that one number or if you are really good - you might be able to get a number from both women. If you just don't have the time to meet women, then you are either going to have to make the time or go for efficiency. It's really up to you what you want to do in this situation.

by: Lucas Gray

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