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subject: College Dating Ideas: Cheap Ways To Date A Girl [print this page]

It is fun to get involved with college dating. But there are times that they are under too hard times especially when money is involved. When you have a date coming up and your money is all used up, thinking for inexpensive dating ideas will be a good way to treat your date while in a budget.

It doesnt have to always be in expensive when trying to have a good time. Here are some of the most exciting yet cheap ways of spending time together on dates.

Seek for family-owned restaurant rather than a fancy one. There are a lot of these near campuses. All you have to do is ask around if you are not yet familiar with the location of your campus. Small family-owned restaurants usually have the best cuisines around the campus and they also have the cheapest menu. Dinners in this kind of place would be very intimate and peaceful for dating partners.

Find for some fun events in the community. Be updated with the upcoming fun and free activities that you know both of your date will enjoy. Check out on these to help you in getting more quality time with your dating partner. This can also be a good way to know more about each other. Most of the time, these kinds of activities do not cost too much.

Do outdoor activities. Plan for outdoor adventures-- may it be hiking, biking or just jogging or walking around parks near the campus. You may also prepare a picnic basket full of foods that both of you will enjoy while watching the sun set.

Visit cultural centers or museums. There are a lot of art galleries, libraries and museums around the campus that you and your date can visit. Most of them have free admission and this will be a good way to have a quality bonding time with your date.

Share stories over coffee in coffee shops. You do not have to spend too much when dating. With a quality time together spent well, even a simple chit-chat inside a coffee shop will do.

College dating does not have to be expensive. With a little research and creativity, you can already enjoy a heartfelt bonding moment with the one you like and spend it well through simple pleasures. It will also be a good way to learn more about the person that you wish to become your partner in a serious relationship.

by: Karen Mae Smith

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