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subject: Breast Augmentation - Tips On Getting The Results You Want [print this page]

If you are seeking breast augmentation, you should learn a bit about how to avoid being defrauded by an inexperienced or even an unlicensed doctor. Not only can some doctors take your money without leaving you anything in return, but also they can be downright dangerous to your health if any surgery is performed by one who does not have a medical license. For this reason, you owe it to yourself to check out some ways to make sure your surgery and your doctor are legitimate.

Once you get the name of the physician you will be talking to, you should look up the name online. You are sure to find something, whether good or bad. First of all, check to see if he or she has a license to be practicing medicine of any kind, especially plastic surgery. You can also find out if anyone has sued the physician for malpractice, since this should be public record.

When you are online, you can usually also see reviews of the doctor you are considering. Check reviews posted by both real patients and experts who review doctors frequently. Once you read a lot of reviews about the physician you are about to choose for breast augmentation, you should have a pretty clear idea of what kind of practitioner he or she is. You can usually see the strengths and the weaknesses just by reading what others have to say. Of course, you can also ask your friends and relatives if they have heard anything about the physician in question.

In fact, you should find out if anyone has heard of the practice as a whole. Find out the name of the clinic and check with local residents or friends on social media sites to see if they have heard of it and can recommend it. If you can find information about it, find out how long it has been around and whether real people have had experiences there. Most people who impersonate real physicians do not stick around long, since they move from one city to another as they are found out. This means that if an office has been in your city for years, offering breast augmentation and other procedures, it is likely legitimate.

Avoiding being defrauded can save you money and keep you from having a breast augmentation go wrong. This is why you should employ these tactics before you choose a physician. Fortunately, it should not take long to put these into practice, since they mostly involve using the Internet and talking to friends and family members.

by: Abigail Aaronson

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