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subject: 3 Good Ways To Flirt With A Girl [print this page]

Any single guy should have at least some flirting skills if he doesn't want to end up being single for too long. You know that, though. You have seen that the guys who tend to be the ones who get the girls don't have much of a problem when it comes to flirting with them and that makes you realize that you do need to brush up on your skills a little bit. Knowing that you need to do that is a good thing, because there are plenty of men out there that do need to brush up on their skills that don't realize that this is what they need to do.

Here are 3 good ways to flirt with a woman that will help you out:

1. Make eye contact with her and smile at her.

This is the best way to initiate something with a woman, especially if she is across the room and you want to be able to go and approach her. When you make eye contact and smile at her, you want to make sure that you are projecting a warm and friendly attitude. And you want to see her make eye contact and smile back at you before you decide to go ahead and approach her. It's a very simple thing to do, but it is about the best way that you can initiate things with a woman, especially if you don't know her yet.

2. Ask her some fun questions that get her to open up and have conversation with you.

The standard, "so what do you do for a living" kind of questions are not really fun to answer and they don't always lend themselves to leading to more and more conversation. You want to ask her something that's going to be light and fun for her to answer. For example, if you are standing in a coffee shop and you approach her and there is some song playing on the radio, you can ask her if she likes it. And if she does, you can bust her chops about it just to make her laugh.

3. If you are going to be doing something fun later on, ask her if she wants to go with you.

This will only work if you have already established rapport and attraction with her and you actually do have something fun that you are going to be doing later on. If you do, then asking her this usually will at least get her thinking about hanging out with you. Even if she says that she is busy, if you have really made her feel attracted to you and there is some real rapport with her, you can probably get her phone number and then you will be able to get her to hang out with you at a later date.

These are not the only ways to flirt with a woman, but they are good options if you don't know what to do. Just remember that flirting is about connecting and having fun with a woman and you should be fine. You don't have to be perfect when it comes to flirting with a woman, you just have to be someone that she likes to be around.

by: A.J. Smith

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