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subject: Effective Methods For Practicing Positive Parenting [print this page]

Positive parenting is focused on encouraging and rewarding positive behavior in children rather than punishing unwanted behavior. Being a positive parent doesn't mean you should be overly permissive. All children need certain boundaries, both for their own safety and to teach them what is and isn't acceptable. When you put more emphasis on the positive, however, you can be more effective in leading your children in the direction you'd like them to go. Let's look at some of the basic principles of positive parenting.

To be a positive parent, it's essential to take time out for yourself. You won't be able to give your children the right kind of attention if you're all stressed. You don't have an infinite supply of patience or energy. And unless you learn how to take good care of yourself, you can't really take good care of your children. Taking care of yourself becomes harder once you have kids, as so much of your time goes towards their care and upkeep. However, you still need to make time for regular exercise, eat healthily, and sleep well. If you're stressed, whether it's because of issues at work or at home, you need to address it immediately. Look after your well-being because doing so will give you more energy to devote to your children. Regular family time is important. It wasn't that long ago that this would've been unnecessary to point out. These days, though, it's not even easy for the whole family to sit down at the dinner table and eat at the same time. Try to get some family time in at least once a week if you've got a busy schedule. Try to come up with activities where every member of the family participates, so a night in front of the TV watching movies is out of the question. For example, on weekends the whole family can go on fun outings. This will give you the opportunity to bond with your children. When you have quality family time, your kids are more likely to feel secure and be more well-adjusted individuals.

You should always be aware of what your kids are doing and who they are with. This can be a difficult task because of cell phones and internet, but it's all the more important that you know your child's online activities in addition to where he or she goes when they are out. Don't take this to mean that you have to be constantly looking over your child's shoulder. You just need to be vigilant about your child's online activities, particularly the people he or she chats with. Do the same thing with your child's cell phone use. These days, you can count on your child being safe when he or she is in front of a computer or exchanging text messages at home.

Positive parenting is something that any parent can practice. It doesn't take any special talent, only a willingness to learn this approach to parenting. At times, it can be hard to find the time each day to give your child enough attention. Keep in mind, though, that you're fostering a feeling of security in your child when you take the time to take an interest in their life.

by: Gary Sterling

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