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subject: Are You Doing The Best For Your Personal Finances? [print this page]

We all have finances, and yet so many of us never get any real training or education on how to go about them wisely. As this article will show you, you don't have to be a math genius or a financial guru in order to make wise investments and get your money matters in order.

Protection from identity theft is something that you should insure yourself against, especially if you do a lot of work on your computer. Make sure that all of your information is password protected and that you have a solid anti-virus protection program. This will reduce hacking and protect your financial information.

Flea markets can often be a productive way for one to supplement their personal finances. An individual can purchase goods for a cheaper price than they would pay in stores or they can sell items at the flea market for a financial gain. However a person wants to use them, flea markets are beneficial for personal finances.

Use only free ATMs when you have a choice! A lot of people overlook the fact that some ATMs charge you a fee for their use. Your bank, however, should have ATMs that are available for your use that are free. Even when the ATM charges are only a few cents a transaction, they add up over time.

Creating a budget is extremely important. Many people avoid it, but you will not be able to save money if you do not track your finances. Make sure to write down all income and expenses no matter how small it may seem. Small purchases can add up to a big chunk of your outgoing funds.

Don't buy extended warranties on products. If your product already comes with a warranty that is more than likely when something is going to break. Extended warranties are basically just a huge profit making tool for a business. Don't give them more of your money for no reason.

Set financial goals and stick with them. If you want to save a certain amount or save towards a purchase, just be sure to keep doing it. Put away a certain amount on a schedule and you'll achieve your goal quickly. Hard work and persistence can really pay off, in this case.

A great personal finance tip is to not get too carried away when you're thinking about purchasing a laptop. Expensive isn't always the way to go when getting a laptop, unless you plan on playing high end games or you're a designer. A cheap laptop around a few hundred dollars would suffice.

Find your own financing when buying a car. You will have more negotiating power than if you are relying on the dealer and their banks to get you financed. They will try to talk to you into monthly payments rather than the actual cost of the car. If you already have your loan in place, you can concentrate on the cost of the car itself, because you already know what your payment would be.

If you live in a larger home, consider renting out one or more rooms. This is an excellent option for singles or professionals. Taking on a roommate brings in hundreds of extra dollars every month and can also mean, dividing the price that you pay for electricity, water and other utilities.

Only you can make your own financial decisions. Even if that decision is seeking out the advice of a professional, you must do that on your own. This article is meant to be an educational tool to guide you in the right direction. Put some of these ideas into practice and you will see changes in how you handle and think about money.

by: chirag savaliya

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