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subject: A Company To Help You Buy Property In Turkey [print this page]

A Company To Help You Buy Property In Turkey

Turkey has a lot to offer the foreign buyer who is looking for a second home or even if they want to retire somewhere warm and beautiful. Obviously, you will want to do your own research about locations, possible activities, cultural norms, and the financial situation, but once you have decided that Turkey is a good possibility for you, then you will want to find some sort of real estate company which will help you actually buy property in Turkey. It is more complicated than just flying over there, finding a great house that is on the market, and plopping down your cash.

Anytime you buy property in a foreign country, the complication factor multiplies. You have to worry about the laws in your own country when it comes to foreign investments or owning foreign property and spending money abroad. You also have to worry about Turkish laws when it comes to non-citizens owning property, getting in and out of the country, taxing property, making sure that you comply with all the laws so the government cannot confiscate it, and on top of that, making sure that the property stays in good shape and appreciates in value in case you, or your heirs, ever want to sell it.

A Company To Help You Buy Property In Turkey

With all of these requirements, you might just want to curl up in a corner and give up the idea to buy property in Turkey completely. But, never fear. You can get help in all of these areas and more. There are companies out there who specialize in Turkish real estate and can help you find the perfect house or apartment or empty property should you want to build something to suit your own tastes. Because they also work with sellers, such companies can really match you up to your ideal location. Want a beach house? They can help. Want an isolated mountain retreat? Ditto. Want a downtown fashionable apartment in the "happening" part of town? They can line you up. Once you have decided, they can help you negotiate a price that is fair for where you are buying, and then, they can also help you actually purchase the property and make sure that it is done correctly without any legal difficulties. But do not be fooled.

You really must make sure to find an expert in Turkish law and real estate requirements. They may also have other countries where they work and work well, but you should make sure that they are not just generic foreign real estate brokers but that they really understand the Turkish market and what will make your property the beautiful vacation home you have in mind.

by: James P Martin

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