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subject: Uk Offices Continue To Seek Outsourcing For Its Benefits [print this page]

For a new idea to be accepted in a society, it should be tested whether it would work for everyone and would generate positive outcomes. There will be some who will be eager to try out the new idea while there will be some who will criticize the implementation of such notion. But nonetheless, a group shall try it to attest that it is a feasible option for some. Outsourcing has been a widely accepted option for most businesses because of the benefits that it brings. However, most of the time, employees of those businesses are not excited at all with the thought of sending work processes abroad. There have been instances wherein potential offshore outsourcing clients are being forced to reconsider their plans because of strong opposition coming from the workforce.

In July of the previous year, Birmingham City Councils plan to venture with Capita has been taken into a halt as the public expressed opposition against the plan. The Birmingham City Council is ready to implement its decision to hire 55 Indian IT contractors to work on the Service Birmingham Capita contract. However, the opposition from the public was driven by the notion that once outsourcing has been started by Birmingham City Council, it will serve as a floodgate that will encourage other local government offices to outsource IT functions.

Another more recent case in which the staff is not thrilled at the idea of outsourcing can be demonstrated in the case of Capita. News broke out during the early days of August that the IT staff of Capita, represented by Capita Unite union members, has engaged themselves in a strike to convey their opposition towards the companys plan to outsource their IT functions to India. According to the article gathered from ComputerWeekly, the plan was driven by the companys desire to maintain its position in the marketplace, optimize operational efficiency and continue to enhance service delivery. These reasons are primarily the main reasons as to why companies engage in outsourcing, and for most of them, outsourcing has been indeed effective in improving their efficiency in selected, if not all, work processes.

As one can notice, in the months between July of 2011 and 2012, there have been other local government units that outsourced some of their work processes. It is probably because industry experts and spectators have been urging the local government to change its views of outsourcing. But it seems that the workforces acceptance of outsourcing has been gradual.

In a study conducted by Local Government Association but produced by Drummond MacFarlane, it is shown that there were significant benefits when it comes to cost savings in the part of the local authorities. Over a period of five years, local government offices were able to save up to nearly 31m. Also, the study claims that as the contract for shared services moves forward, there is a wider business transformation within the organization. The study has shown that there have been better use of IT resources, improved processes and the level of performance has been maintained.

It has been long since the idea of outsourcing has been presented to the public and at first, there were some who did not welcome the concept. But as we all move forward, a lot of people starts to warm up to the idea. Outsourcing may work for some while not for others, but what is important is that outsourcing companies are able to contribute to the work processes of those that have sought assistance from them.

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