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subject: The Teddy Girl, Now More Than Ever In Fashion [print this page]

Teddy boy style emerged in the early 40'sTeddy boy style emerged in the early 40's. A group of young people pretending to Dandy and belonged to the London working class and in some cases immigrants from Ireland. A fashion trend that emerged in the decade of the 40 and still in force today.

Vintage fashion is a fashion trend that has always been associated with different eras of history over time. The vintage style clothing is the mother of the trends in fashion, in and off the catwalk, actually. The Vintage expressed in commercial terms, covering the period between the 20's to early 1980.

Fashion is a term that has always been linked to art, cinema, culture and socio-cultural and historical context of the moment. Undoubtedly, fashion has been a source of inspiration in the different decades of the twentieth century.

Also, Vintage is a term that goes back decades. And designers and fashion experts were sitting and cultural movements of the time irrefutably marked a clear trend in fashion.

Fashion comes and goes, everything comes back. Each decade is different and the "urban tribes" are responsible for imposing fashion. The Teddy Girls is the female version of the Teddy Boys. Formerly they were associated with particular acts of vandalism. On the other hand, teddy boys were called to the group of teenagers from Ireland, lower class, who had left school to start working with very young age.

The fashion trend Teddy Girl arose because cursed against the dresses sold in the stores of the time. They worked and reflected the austerity of the postwar period. Around this trend created a subculture that was born in World War II. The Teddy boys and girls took the sound of Rock and Roll, which had been imported from America. The first rock and roll bands appear in Britain in 1956 with Wee Willie Harris and Tommy Steele.

The look for men lay in Edwardian jackets format tailored suit, with tapered trousers, blazers crossed, and the inevitable luxury gillet bolo tie, typical of Arizona.

The look of the girls are generally based on mans suits with velvet collars, shirts with collars raised, ties and even jeans with cuffs rolled up and shoes. They cut their hair cuts and hairstyles male, which was unusual for girls of the time. They were limited to one style exclusively male, also wore narrow skirts, hats, water, elegant brooches and cameos on and with those who used to close the collars of their shirts.

The girls' hair was short and encompassed Teddy, but also perfectly feminine. While today is a massive trend, some people with this style with elegance and sophistication.

by: Mr. Sumit

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