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subject: Beneficial Parenting Skills When Raising A Teen [print this page]

Raising children and exerting your influences through parenting is an awesome responsibility for anyone to have. When you think about it, a parent has an incredible impact on another human being's life, and that will certainly extend far into the child's adult years. To be a good parent, it is essential to have common sense, and many parents don't have it. People think that parenting is hard to learn, but it is mainly common sense. Most children learn from their teachers, and their first teachers are normally their parents, so that is how they learn parenting, also. It is possible to break any cycle of less than desirable parenting, but it can only happen with awareness and effort.

Over indulging parents have been identified as a style of parenting. Somebody who's lenient or not very strict is one was of describing this type of parenting behavior. Usually these indulgent parents aren't properly involved with their child, in the sense that they don't take on an engaging role. Freedom is certain when you have parents like this. We all know what happens when a parent doesn't discipline their child after they've done something wrong. When children have very lenient parents they tend to become very disrespectful because they know they will not get into any trouble. An authoritarian style of parenting is sometimes well know among some children and adults. This type of parent is exactly as the name implies, and communicates through commanding their children. In general back chat is not a good idea with this type of parent. They expect that what they say will be done without any questions. Authoritarian parents most likely prefer it if their child is quite but in sight. Established in the home are strict rules that must be followed. A child growing up in this kind of environment will usually go beyond regular expectations when it comes to academics because of their strict upbringing. But unhappiness isn't uncommon among these types of children.

Children need to be uplifted, so make your remarks positive. When you try to understand your children, and encourage them, they will respect you forever. One thing that a lot of parents do is follow in the footsteps of their parents by treating their children the same way, so they will give acceptance to their children if they were accepted. The way to learn is to make mistakes, and then learn by your mistakes, that is what growing up is. Another thing that a parent needs to do is to direct their children in ways that best fit the natural talents they were born with. Directing children will have the best chance of success when the parents have been encouraging, and have continuously given positive feedback.

Being a parent is mainly an on-the-job training position, where you learn daily through your mistakes. To become a better parent you may need to have the courage to admit you need help.

All of these parenting techniques can be helpful for you and for your child, however they will most likely not give good results if you have troubles with the marital life.

In the event you and your spouse experiencing marriage troubles that could have an effect on your child and also your marital relationship, then look into the advice below for some recommendations.

by: joserussell407

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