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How To Stop A Dog From Digging

Stop your Dog from Digging

Digging for a dog occurs naturally just like barking. While some breeds such as terriers are highly-predisposed to digging, others are somehow reserved.

Despite the fact that dogs have different predispositions and temperaments, dog owners still find digging a problem. Unfortunately, many of them are tempted to change a tendency that is hard-wired into a dog instead of learning how to stop a dog from digging.

If you are struggling with this natural instinct in your dog, we suggest that you try some of the following tips to make the situation more bearable.
How To Stop A Dog From Digging

1) Exercise your dog regularly boredom is a major problem that causes dogs to dig regularly. If you find that your dog is bored, then you need to engage it in a game that will take away its attention from digging and dirt.

Try playing a game of fetch where you throw a ball and let the dog chase the ball. Alternatively, you can let the dog play with the ball once you are done.

2) Take your dog to a doggie-care center you can also lessen the dogs instinct to dig by taking it to a dog care center which operates like a normal day care for kids. Once you enrol it for day care, you will be required to drop him off in the morning and later pick him up in the evening.

Doggie day care provides your dog with ample opportunities to play with other dogs. It also allows them to engage in stimulating activities under supervision which makes it fulfilled at the end of the day.

3) Provide your dog with something to Chew - dogs love chewing bones and anything that is of interest to them. Therefore, provide your dog with a meaty knuckle bone or something that it can chew while you are away.

Alternatively, you can provide it with toys such as Kong toy to keep it active and satisfied until you come back. However, make sure that the toy or item is safe for the dog to minimise the risk of choking.

4) Take Your Dog for training- if your dog digs persistently then you should consider taking it for an obedience training class. Training will help your dog identify actions that are considered undesirable by the owner.

This will make the dog realize cues that prompt him to avoid digging. When training is combined with impulse control, it will make it easier for you to redirect the dogs attention to more productive exploits.

5) Lessen the desire for digging if the dog digs the same area persistently then place a small piece of faecal matter beneath the soil. Faecal matter is a strong repellent that will discourage the dog from digging.

Also, place rough pebbles and ground pepper that will ward the dog from its play area. If there is a hole, fill it with water before the dog comes out. This will keep the dog at bay because dogs dont like playing with mad.

6) Cover the play area with wire mesh you might also find it necessary to seal off the spot that dog likes digging by covering it with a mesh. The mesh should be placed just beneath the soil where the dog likes digging. When placed firmly, the dog will find it somehow painful to dig through the mesh and this will discourage it from digging.

7) Restrict access to the yard- if the dog is highly notorious for digging, then you should consider restricting its access to the yard. Shutting it away from the garden may seem like a harsh decision, but it worthwhile as a means of last resort.
How To Stop A Dog From Digging

However, you will have to compensate for this restriction by providing it with greater opportunities for play and entertainment indoors. Once it gets used to staying indoors or being locked away, then you can gradually introduce it to the garden under supervision.

Digging for a dog occurs almost naturally, therefore, do not make the mistake of fighting the instinct in the dog. Although digging is a major nuisance for dog owners, it can be dealt with adequately.

Some of the practical ways that can help you deal with the problem include providing it materials to chew, involving it exercise, obedience training and impulse control, creating an environment that lessen its desire to dig.

by: al parry

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