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subject: Dating Tips For Men Over 40 That Never Fail [print this page]

Trust me when I tell you that one of the best dating tips for men over 40 is not to date! Yes that's right, don't date. If you're 40 plus the chances are that you have come out of a divorce or long term relationship and are not in the right frame of mind to seriously date. There is a lot of hurt and anger festering away and your emotions are all over the place.

Of course you're feeling lonely and sorry for yourself, that's understandable, but the best course of action is to start to socialise again and go out and meet people. Go to places where there will be women but don't stress about meeting anyone. The idea at this stage is to feel comfortable around women and not to look on any one women as a potential partner but more as a friend.

By all means take a woman out to dinner but don't look at your date as the answer to all of your problems, such as things that went wrong in your last relationship, things that you never did. Instead focus on her as a means of getting to know another person and making a new friend. Just chill out and relax because at this stage it's nothing more than two people having a meal together.

Learn to pay attention to what she is saying and show you are interested by asking relevant questions. The key to any friendship is to be a good listener and to provide a shoulder to cry on. Try and think back to your past relationship and maybe one of the reasons it went wrong was that you didn't listen. Take this time to learn the skill of listening and to find out what makes women tick.

Finally, although you will have heard this a million times, be yourself. Don't try and emulate other men who seem to have success with women. Relax and act normally and you will find that this will help to relax her too.

These are just a few dating tips for men over 40 who have recently come out of a relationship but remember not to set your sights too high at this stage. After all dating is supposed to be fun. For more advanced tips that will guarantee success with women you must visit Jo Gardner's website.

by: Jo Gardner

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