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subject: Singles Dating For The Over 40s [print this page]

Some people think it is all downhill once you hit the age of 40 but nothing could be further from the truth. Men in particular tend to hit maturity once they reach the big 40 and if you know what you're doing, single dating for the over 40's should be a breeze.

Generally speaking there are two categories of men over 40 that are actively looking for relationships with women:

1. playboy types who are simply in the dating game to boost their egos and who will remain in this category for the long term

2. men who have become newly single following a divorce or break up from a long term partner and are looking for successful dating for the over 40s

If you are in the latter category then chances are you are feeling a bit bruised and sore and a little nervous about re-entering the dating market having been away from it for a considerable time. You worry that you don't have the physique or the amount of hair that you had when you were in your twenties and also what topics of conversation should you be engaging in?

Well in order to attract any woman you need to make a good and lasting first impression. Women are fickle creatures and if you don't make a good impression at the first meeting then chances are you probably won't get anywhere with her.

It goes without saying that you should be clean and smartly dressed but you also need to have something about you that registers in her mind and makes her want to get to know you as a person. You need to be yourself because if you start making up stories to impress her, then at some point or another, you will get caught out simply because you will have forgotten what you told her.

A good tip is to act like a gentleman, going to the bar to get her a drink, pulling out a chair for her to sit down on and opening up a door to allow her to pass through but, PAY ATTENTION HERE, also allow a "naughty" side of you to emerge. Every so often during a conversation come out with a naughty or flirtatious comment that will throw her off her tracks and wonder if she heard you right. Carry on as if you never said anything and later on, throw in another line. This will definitely add an element to your character that she will want to explore further as women love to be intrigued. So when it comes to the end of the evening you will find her asking when she can see you again.

For more tips on attraction and seduction that are guarantee to get you success with women you must visit Jo Gardner's website.

by: Jo Gardner

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