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subject: Are You A Good Candidate For Breast Augmentation? [print this page]

Breast Augmentation is something some women never even consider. Other women realize that they are not good candidates after a consultation. A consultation is a great time to ask questions and be candid. Be prepared for a discussion about the size you would like to be, measurements, and photos of your breasts for your file. They will want to have you feel the two types of implants and discuss the risks and benefits of each. This appointment is valuable and has saved many women from making a mistake that could have cost them. For those clients who go on to have a surgery the appointment is full of information and offers reassurance that this is the right path for them.

No surgeon wants to do a surgery on a client they feel will not be a good candidate either physically or mentally. You might be a good candidate if only you were at a healthy weight. Your surgeon may suggest you stabilize your weight before a surgery. When you achieve the weight loss you will feel great, and a surgery that carries risks will be less risky on you. In addition, a person with fluctuating weight has fluctuations in the breast tissue. If you have just had a surgery and paid for implants you will want them to stay where you put them. Further if you are not done having children you could suffer weight fluctuations. Extending further, sometimes nursing can be challenging after Breast Augmentation surgery so you may find postponing the surgery is a good idea for you.

Implants are made of a silicone outer shell and then they are filled with either silicone or saline. Both types have risks and benefits. The biggest risk is of rupture. If a silicone implant ruptures it can leak and must be removed. Trouble with silicone is that you often can't tell. An MRI is suggested for monitoring for a rupture. If a saline implant ruptures you will notice a deflated look. This rupture is not as alarming, however, you will need to get a new implant or have them removed. As implants are not covered by insurance you will need to pay this out of pocket. The actual rate of rupture is more like Ten to fifteen percent.

Deciding to go with cosmetic surgery is a big decision. The best person to discuss your surgery with is your surgeon. Breast Augmentation is overall a safe surgery. In fact, with this surgery you are only in a day surgery and you may not even be in a hospital. Your surgeon will want to make sure you are good candidate, at a healthy weight, with healthy expectations. This surgery is right for you if you meet the requirements and desire a change.

by: Anders Abadie

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