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subject: Managing Dentist Practices: the Most Important Asset in Your Dentist Practice [print this page]

I often ask people who are managing their dentist practices: What's the number one most important asset within your dentist practice?. In this article, I will share to you the most important asset in your dentist practice, which is probably one of the most overlooked and often the most misunderstood assets within your dentist practices as you are managing it. I will also explain to you why it is considered the most important asset that you have. Knowing these facts, you will be able to take good care of this asset as you go on managing your dentist practices... and this is something we focus specifically at our dentist practices website!

Now, going back to the question, What's the most important asset within your dentist practice? People would say Well, the doctor!, while others would say The dental staff!, and those are both wrong answers (and actually, nobody got the answer correctly!). The answer to my question is this: it is your patient base! And we call that your herd because you can keep going back to that herd, you want to nurture that herd, and you want to grow that herd as well... to have them establish a long-term relationship with you and your staff, and with your dentist practice. So, that's one of your most important assets within your dentist practices as you are managing it.

The question is: Why is my patient base considered as the most important asset within my dentist practice?. The reason is because, say for example, if your building or dental office burnt down today, so what happened is that all of your technology and everything was burnt down and crumbled to the ground (hopefully that never happens to you!) but let's just say it did. As a solution, you could literally walk across the street, start up a shop tomorrow; and if you have a patient base, you will have appointments, you will have people to come in and you will have revenue coming in.. and you will be able to start managing your dentist practices again! Now, another thing is, for example, if the doctor have any experience where he/she can no longer work, well if they got a patient base, they can bring in another doctor or someone else who can actually do the dentistry, and the doctor can actually be the master behind the scenes, the business owner, and with this, they can still work!

With these facts, you can see that the technology you can replace, the staff you can replace, but the one thing that's the most difficult to replace is the actual patient base! So that's why you should consider it as the most important asset that you have in your dentist practices as you are managing it! So, take care, nurture, and grow your patient base, as it is the lifeline of your dentist practice! Log on to our dentist practice website, and get a free CD and Book titled, How To Predictably Grow Your Practice 25-35% Every Year While Enjoying More Control, Time Off, And Bottom-Line Net Profits!.

Managing Dentist Practices: the Most Important Asset in Your Dentist Practice

By: Ed OKeefe

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