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subject: Does My Baby Have A Yeast Infection? [print this page]

Does My Baby Have A Yeast Infection?

There is nothing more pathetic than a baby in distress, and a baby with a yeast infection is no different. The disease can be spread through delivery, if the mother has a fungal infection, or through breastfeeding, again, if the mother is experiencing an infection. The symptom of thrush, which is a condition that creates white patches and sores in the baby's mouth, is caused by a yeast infection but, then again, a baby can develop thrush if there is no fungus present.

Babies of both sexes can experience yeast infections, the most obvious sign of which is a diaper rash that doesn't heal in a day or two. In adults, as well as children and babies, bacteria grows in warm, moist areas of the body. Females have the extra concern of vaginal areas but, in babies, any rash that is not attended to can create the perfect environment for an infection. Like adults, babies taking antibiotics are more susceptible, since the antibiotic medications can kill the "healthy" bacteria needed to keep a body healthy.

Since a yeast infection spreads through a baby's digestive tract, it can involve the mouth (thrush) and the diaper area. Try looking at your baby's diaper rash to determine if the rash has lots of bumps, pus-filled bumps, or a pattern. The infection will generally last more than two days and will not respond to typical treatment for diaper rash.

When To See A Doctor

If you are concerned and a first-time parent, by all means, have the baby's doctor take a look at the rash. If this is a recurrent problem with the same child, perhaps your physician can make suggestions on how to avoid this problem in the future. If the child is on antibiotics, it may be a symptom that will be present for the course of the treatment. In general, the best course of treatment, although not a total preventative, is to keep the diaper area dry - and don't fasten diapers so tight that there is no possibility for "air" circulation.

If your baby does, in fact, have a yeast infection, your doctor will probably suggest any of several over-the-counter (cream) remedies for anti-fungal purposes. Your first incidence may hopefully be your last, but it is entirely possible that it will not. After your first bout with the infection and you are confident that you recognize the symptoms of a fungal infection on your baby, you may take it upon yourself to treat it similarly; ask your doctor if you have any questions. Don't use suppositories or oral remedies that have been prescribed for adult members of the family.

by: Eddie Lamb

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