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Top Three Holiday Tips For Dog Owners

It seems like just yesterday that everyone was ringing in the New Year, and now Thanksgiving and Christmas are coming up on the calendar. When the pumpkin patches and Christmas tree lots are open for the holidays, here are some tips that every dog owner should keep in mind.

1. Dont share the holiday feast with your dog:

Everyone knows theres nothing quite as delicious as a holiday meal, and those intoxicating smells and tastes are sure to have your pet begging for a taste of the turkey and trimmings. But ignore those pleading eyes no matter what, because ingesting the rich meats, vegetables, and desserts of the holiday season can cause some serious health problems for your dog.

The fat content in Thanksgiving meats and sides are sometimes difficult for a human to digest, and they can prove to be very dangerous for your pet. Eating too much fatty Thanksgiving food, especially things like turkey skin and gravy, can not only cause severe stomach upset, constipation, diarrhea, or vomiting, it can also put your dog at risk for pancreatitis.
Top Three Holiday Tips For Dog Owners

Poultry bones, both raw and cooked, have been known to cause series health issues in pets. When ingested, bone fragments and splinters can break off and get caught in the pets mouth or esophagus, causing the pet to choke. Bone shards can also cause serious punctures in the digestive tract that can lead to a bacterial infection called peritonitis, a condition that can prove fatal.

Many commonly used ingredients in holiday food can be toxic to your pet. Dried fruits, nuts, chocolate, mushrooms, onions, alcohol, and even some herbs and spices can pose a danger when eaten. Sage, an herb frequently found in Thanksgiving stuffing and dressings can even cause damage to a dogs central nervous system if ingested in large quantities.

Make sure that your guests know that there is a strict no table scraps rule this holiday season.

2. Keep up the normal daily routines:

With loud parties, new people, hectic schedules, and emotions running high, its easy to forget your four-legged family members might be just as stressed out as you during the holidays. The holidays can be a time of anxiety for you and your pet, so try to stick to their normal schedule as best as you can. If your dog is used to his morning walk, dont skip it just because its Thanksgiving or Christmas. If your pet is used to eating at the same time every day, make sure to keep that same feeding schedule. Sticking to animals daily routine can provide a sense of normalcy and help to alleviate at least some of your pets holiday stress.
Top Three Holiday Tips For Dog Owners

3. Lay down the law with children and other guests:

Thanksgiving and Christmas typically mean welcoming a bunch of people into your home, and sometimes, these people are completely new to your pet. If your dog is not used to meeting new people or behaving calmly around large groups, try taking him out on a leash to a place that people frequent. As he gets accustomed to the different noises and smells of new people, reward your dog with treats for calm behavior. If you are unsure of where to begin, contacting a trainer or animal behaviorist can be a good way to get individualized training plans and can help your dog learn to behave around new people.

Your guests should understand how to interact with your cat or dog well before the party begins. Before Uncle Sam, Aunt Sarah, and the kids even walk through the door, make sure to go over proper greeting procedures. Guests should know and agree to abide by any ground rules that you have regarding interacting with your pet, something that you should make clear from the get-go. And, very importantly, do not leave children unattended around your dog.

by: Diane Fisher

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