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subject: What To Do When Your Ex Does Not Want To End The Relationship? [print this page]

Not everybody has the chance to meet the perfect partner, and love him/her forever and ever, but we learn from mistakes. When we pass to the next partner, we already know how to react to conflicts or frustrations. Ex-relationships have their role, but sometimes it can become difficult to end them. What can be done, when your ex does not accept the fact that you don't love him anymore, and you want to keep him as a friend only? What do you do with the e-mails and phone calls from him, or when he shows up in front of your door, refusing to leave, until you say there is still hope to start fresh again?

You explained everything related to what you want, there is no coming back, but the "poor" man does not accept reality. Here are some ideas on how to convince him:

1. Be very firm

If you said no, don't give him hope. You may feel devastated seeing him heart-broken, but if you decide to move on, don't show signs of accepting any possibility of him coming back into your life.

Does he say he will not give up on you? He will certainly do it, if you show you have decided to end up the relationship. Don't give him hope; say you already have somebody else. Don't hurt him, but be firm about your decision.

2. Do you want forgiveness?

He may say that even if you have somebody else, he will forgive you, so you can be a couple again. Don't forget, you don't want this. Tell him you don't want forgiveness or compassion, you have already moved on to a new relationship.

3. "I will change"

He may promise you he will change, become a new man, but don't forget that these are only words to make you change your mind. People can't change overnight, usually people never change.

As a conclusion, if you decide to move on, it means you have a good reason, so do it.

by: Marius Gherghinescu

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