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subject: How Do You Get The Girl? [print this page]

It's never easy as a man to have to go out and be the one that makes the move. Let's say that there is a woman that you already have your eye on. What do you do to make her attracted to YOU? For most men, this question either goes unanswered, or they will try all of the wrong things to make her want them. In the end, they will do more to repel a woman than to keep her attracted to them.

So, how to YOU get the girl?

1. You have to know what it is that attracts a woman. Men quite often will have the wrong ides of what it is that makes a woman attracted to a man. They assume that the superficial things like a car, nice clothes, and being good looking are necessary to attract a woman. Of course, these things HELP, but, they are not necessary.

2. You have to have the mindset that you WILL get the girl. You can easily defeat yourself before you even approach a woman, simply by holding on to negative thinking. Look, as a man. it is easy to psyche yourself out. You will tell yourself all of the reasons WHY you should not approach her. But, these things are more in YOUR mind than anything else.

3. You have to know how to flirt with HER. Being able to flirt with a woman is a necessary skill that you MUST have if you really want to attract women and be able to keep her attention. For many men, this is where they will end up losing a girl that was attracted to them in the first place.

by: Chris Tyler

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