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subject: 5 Ways To Whiter Teeth [print this page]

Having white teeth can make you a more confident person and white teeth can also change the way that others view you. There are advertisements everywhere that say they offer the solution to what can whiten your teeth. There are some proven methods that actually work and most can be done in the privacy of your own home. Here are 5 tips to get your teeth whiter.

Use Whitening Toothpaste

It has been said many times that hydrogen peroxide and teeth is a winning formula to getting them white. Getting whiter teeth with hydrogen peroxide is easy to use because many whitening toothpastes come with the key ingredient already inside. Whitening toothpastes may be the simplest solution for some people because all you do is use the toothpaste when you brush your teeth normally.

Whitening Strips

Whitening strips are another low maintenance solution to what can whiten your teeth. Whitening strips are strips of plastic that adhere to your teeth and the active ingredients work to whiten your teeth. Whitening strips are easy to use at home because you can apply them and go about your day. They usually only need to be applied for thirty minutes a day and results can be seen in about fourteen days. It is recommended to use strips that contain peroxide gel because hydrogen peroxide and teeth are a good match and hydrogen peroxide will not damage the tooth enamel.

Whitening Pens

Whitening pens are pens that are filled with a whitening gel solution. The gel is distributed to the teeth by drawingon them with the pen. This can be applied two or three times a day and results can be seen as early as two weeks.

Whitening Trays

Whitening trays can be bought at your dentists office and a cheaper option can be bought at your local drug store for less than half the price. Whitening trays are trays that mold to your teeth and keeps the whitening solution on your teeth. The length of time that the trays are worn depends on what solution is used and can vary from thirty minutes to four hours.

Professional Whitening

Getting your teeth whitened professionally at the dentists office is a good long term solution. The dentist have a few different methods that they can use, including a laser treatment or a strong professional gel solution.

If you want to have whiter teeth, you have plenty of options that you can choose from to find one that is best for you. Whiter teeth with hydrogen peroxide are possible and any at-home solution that you use should contain this ingredient.

by: Jared Marrison

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